Venue: Council chamber - Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX. View directions
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Link: View the meeting here
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes:Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Whelton and Butcher, Cllrs Kaweesa and Neaverson attended as substitutes. |
Declarations of Pecuniary Interest Minutes:A Declaration of interest were made by Cllr Foley, as a member of societies who’d written objections to items on the agenda, however would remain open-minded. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 123 KB Minutes:RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2024 are agreed as an accurate record, subject to the amendment of a typo on page 2, “slop” should read “slope”. |
Town Planning Applications The Chair will announce the order of Items at the beginning of the Meeting. A Supplementary Agenda with any modifications will be published on the day of the meeting. Note: there is no written report for this item |
58 - 62 Haynt Walk, Raynes Park, SW20 9NX PDF 22 MB Application No: 23/P1812 Ward: Cannon Hill Officer Recommendation: GRANT Planning Permission subject to conditions Additional documents:Minutes:The Planning Officer introduced the report.
In response to questions it was confirmed that:
- The Officer was content with the arrangements for bins, there was sufficient space, which will havea different coloured paving to highlight to residents where to put bins for collection - The signage for the refuse store has been agreed - 3 units have their own cycle storage in their gardens, 4 units in the centre of the terrace would use a shared storage at the end of the mews - The buildings are designed to be accessible for disabled residents, toilets and shared spaces are designed in accordance with such provisions, the lifts to the upper floors could be added by purchasers if desired - All the properties will have an EV charging point
Members commented that
- The development is a good example of the aims of the local plan, includes biodiveristy provison and is appreciated - This is an excellent development with a cautionary approach to overlooking without impacting the design
The Committee unanimously agreed the plan, conditoining signage for waste refuge and vehicle entry/exit. Each property to have its own standard, not overnight, EV charger. |
11 Streatham Road, Mitcham, CR4 2AD PDF 2 MB Application No: 24/P0137 Ward: Figges Marsh Officer Recommendation: GRANT Planning permission subject to conditions Minutes:The Area Manager, Development Management introduced the report
Cllrs Irons and Akyigyina spoke to the Committee highlighting the following points:
- Residents have expressed concern about tenants placed at the property, effectively making the premises an unregulated care home, the preivous tenant caused a lot of anti-social behaviour with police attendance numerous times - While the developer has siad that it won’t be a care home, they haven’t consulted with neighbours or addressed the impact of such a facility without regulators in the buidling - There are a lot of HMOs in the area, residents are not consulted and the tenants have a history of causing problems for other residents in the area.
It was confirmed by officers that:
- Residents have been taken into consideration, but officers are obliged to follow the planning principels. There have been serveral conversations with the applicant and have assurance in writing that this property won’t be a care home. Enforcement teams can be sent to investigate should it become apparent that that is not the case.
In response to questions it was confirmed that:
- The previous use of the premises were operating under a different classifcation which di not require permission. The application has to be considered uner the criteria relevant to the current application - Enforcement Manager had visited in December 2023 and confirmed that carers were on site, with one individual in the property. A February 2024 visit showed a layout for 6 persons, but no evidence of anyone staying there at that time. As far as officers are aware, it’s not being used as a care home - All the rooms are single aspect, the constraints of the site don’t allow for more. - It is not known when the astro turf was installed instead of natural grass - The kitchens are small, but they do comply with requirements - The number persons in the HMO has been updated, and is now only for five, if the developer wished to change that, they would need to reapply, and they do need a separate licence from housing to be an HMO. - Enforcement teams can be deployed to make checks and ascertain compliance
- From a planning perspective, it is difficult ot quantify anti-social behaviour, but part of the licence agreement which they will need to get from the Housing Department, will cover ASB and how to handle it. Further action can be taken if the landlord does not deal with it, but it is not a planning criteria
- Enforcement can visit as often s required. Housing also inspect proeprties
Committee members commented that:
- There did not appear to be a planning reason to object - Call-ins were an important part of the planning process, and could highlight how devleopers needed to improve - Regular inspections will be required at this property to satisfy members that it is complying with conditions - The Planning Policy constrains how members can vote - Policy D3 could apply, the location of ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
18 - 22 Crown Lane, Morden, SM4 5BL PDF 19 MB Application No: 23/P2711 Ward: Merton Park Officer Recommendation: GRANT Permission subject to Section 106 obligation or any other enabling agreement Minutes:Planning Officer introduced the report
Members of the Public spoke on the application
- They welcomed investment in Merton, but did not feel this was sthe right project - The cons outweighed the benefits - The traffic at the junction is already a challenge, more taxis will exacerbat the situation, no parking for residents, and deliveries may force cars to park elsewhere. - The footpath will be reduced to accommodat planters - The windtunnel effect is already apparent, the surveys appear to misrepresent the situation - The property overlooks gardnes - 67% of the frontage is along Windermere, a residential street - The property is too hgih and its mass is too great for the location, the lived reality does not match the details in the reports.
Cllr Mercer spoke on the applciation, highlighting the following points:
- All buildings nearby are 2 stoerys high, Morden Station is 4 storeys - Planning policy should avoid large discrepancies, there are no other high rise buildings in the area, this building will add 7 storeys abruptly and inappropriately - Residents are keen for redevelopment, but not this. The civic centre should be an exception
The applicant highglighted the following points:
- This will be an 87 bedroom, part 4 storey, part 7 storey building - 2 public consultations have been held, which were well attended, demosntrating a local desire for change - The developers have listend and reflected opinion in the scheme - The premises will be highly accessible to bus and tube stations nearby, will bring investment to Morden and job opportunities for local people
Officers infomred the committee that:
- Most residents are expected to arrive by public transport rather than taxis or private vehicles. - No articulated trucks will attend the premises, only food and linen service deliveries
In response to questions it was confirmed that:
- Living wage for workers on the development of the site is up to the applicant - The travel plan for staff and residents makes clear that there’s no parking and only 2 disabled bays, there are other parking options in the area - There will be trucks delivering/collecting linen twice a day - TfL are repsonsible for approving construciton delivery and service plans and setting when vehicles can come and go - BRE accepted guidance allows 2 hours of light for neighbours - Public access to toilet provision is a matter for the applicant. - The Council cnanot conduct its own wind survey, have to rely on evidence provided by the applicant. The survey does not say that there is not a wind issue in the area, only that the building will not worsen any existing state - The closest properties are 25m away
The applicant confirmed that:
- The main contractor will be repsonsible for wages, can’t say how much workers will be paid - An industry recognised programme was used to 3d model the impact of the buidling on wind, the analysis allows a comparison with what happens now, it ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Update Report - Provision of footbridge at 42 Station Road, Colliers Wood PDF 47 KB Minutes:The Committee was informed that footings were going to go on ocunicl ownded land, agreement is with solicitors and waiting for the Clarion applciation for footings which will allow the council to know exactly what is planned. Council is agreeable to a deed of easement, but wants contorl over what is built on the land
ACTION – Officers were asekd to prompt Clarion for a response.
Planning Appeal Decisions PDF 87 KB Officer Recommendation: That Members note the contents of the report. Minutes:The committee were informed that 2 appeals were heard
7 Streatham Rd is subject to enforcement action, due to a substantial outbuilding, the inspector did not agree with appellants justification, and agreed with the refusal of certificate. Planning Enforcement team in discussion with the legal team on next actions
1800 London Rd, conversion of an office to a one bed flat was allowed, the inspector considred that the loss of office space wans’t an issue as the ground floor had been extended and therfore little reudciton in commerical floor space.
LGO ruled ona a complaint linked to LESSA, and found that the complaint had been made after 12 months and would not apply discretion, there had been ample time to make a complaint.
Planning Enforcement - Summary of Current Cases PDF 2 MB Officer Recommendation: That Members note the contents of the report.
Minutes:The Committee were informed that cases were largely are repititon of those arleady discussed, one new case involving a breach of conditions.
Burn Bullock incident will be updated after the meeting.
Members appreciated the support from the Council and Emergency Services who dealt with the fire on the night. Residents are still dealing with the effect of what happened to a treausred, listed building. It is important to wait for the facts and will then be able to provide more information to local residnets and the wider community.