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Development and Planning Applications Committee

Development and Planning Applications Committee

Purpose of committee

Once the agenda has been published, the speakers list will open for registration. All speakers mist register in advance by contacting the Planning Department no later than 12 noon 72 hours before the meeting by phone (020-8545-3448) or e-mail ( Where this falls on a weekend the deadline will be the previous Friday. The Chair will review requests so speak based on the qualifications and considerations in Table 1.0.

Following the Chair’s review, officers will notify residents of the decision as to who may speak at the committee. This should be no later than 12pm on the day before the committee.


Table 1.0:Qualifications for speakers








Considerationsfor allocation

of speaking slots

Resident supporters or objectors


Three minutes each. Max sixminutes collectively.

·       Reside in the LondonBorough of Merton

·       Submitteda written representation to the planning application in question

·       If selected, speaking slot is not transferable

·       =<6 Proximity tothe redline boundary of the development

·       Can provide the committee with new insight into the impact developmentwould bring

·       Where an application crosses local authority boundaries one slot is always reserved for a Merton resident

·       =>7 selected by chance through computer programme

·       Reserves can be drawn using same method

Statutory stakeholders


Max six minutes

·       A statutory stakeholder consultee on a planning application

e.g. utilities

·       Can provide the committee with new insight into the impact developmentwould bring

Ward Councillors


Two minutes each. Max sixminutes collectively.

·       Councillorin the ward of the development

·       Where an application borders two wards or moreat thediscretion of the Chair ward speakers canbe drawnfrom more

than one ward

Members of Parliament


Two minutes

  • Elected Member of Parliament for the constituency the application is in.


Cabinet member


Two minutes


  • Cabinet member for an area of material consideration for the purposes of identifying factual information within a planning application

-          Where pre-existing council policy exists or development is of strategic importance or pre-engagement with the committee at technical briefing and agenda setting meetings identify gaps in understanding to facilitate most appropriate cabinet member to support committees understanding

Agent and Applicant


Three minutes

·       Part of the team bringing the application to councilfor approval

·       Arrangedbetween speakers asto how this time is split.

-          Agent and Applicant are expected to address questions raised by previous opposing speakers and make arguments using non-technical language.



Agenda item order

Planning items will be taken in the order decided by the Chair and announced at the start of the meeting. This may differ from the Chair’s standing order in Appendix 1. It is not possible to give the exact time items will be heard. Whilst the Committee will endeavor to consider all items on the agenda, if it is not possible to hear an item, every effort will be made to take it at the next meeting of the Committee.




Substitute members

Contact information

Support officer: Email:

Postal address:
Democratic Services
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Phone: 020 8545 3356
