With the 8-year waste and street cleansing contract with Veolia expiring in March 2025, the report outlines the service delivery options available for a new waste and street cleansing services post March 2025. The report will include a full options appraisal along with supporting financial summaries for each model.
Cabinet is asked to review the options and recommendations within
this paper in order to inform the preferred delivery model and
scope of services to be commissioned over the next two years
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/12/2022
Decision due: 20 Feb 2023 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety
Lead director: Interim Executive Director of Environment, Civic Pride & Climate
Contact: Charles Baker, Waste Strategy and Commissioning Manager Email: charles.baker@merton.gov.uk, John Bosley, Assistant Director Public Space Contracts and Commissioning Email: john.bosley@merton.gov.uk.
Documents to be considered: Officer report.