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Cabinet post details

Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services


·         Leading on the Council’s recovery agenda

·         Leading on performance monitoring and Service Planning

·         Member Lead on the Your Merton, a place-based vision for the borough’s recovery from Covid-19

·         Responsible for effective communication with residents

·         Leading on the budget, including the development of revenue, capital and debt management strategies

·         Responsible for revenues and benefits and the Council’s response to the cost of living crisis

·         Responsible for corporate finance, IT and audit, human resources, civic and legal services, and risk management

·         Driving improvements in council performance and leading budget and finance performance review meetings

·         Overseeing scrutiny and the Council’s registrars

·         Leading on the promotion of the digital agenda

·         Leading on the change management agenda with responsibility for driving through value for money and efficiency within the council

·         Overseeing the Council procurement strategy

Monitoring progress of council wide strategic approach to customer services and community support and access

To view contact details for the current Cabinet Member, click on the link below.


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