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Cabinet post details

Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills and Education


·         Leading on education across the life span

·         Leading on the planning, development and management of the schools estate

·         Ensuring the highest standards in schools when they are inspected by Ofsted and at statutory points of assessment, and minimising the impact of austerity on educational outcomes

·         Championing equality of access and outcomes for all pupils including oversight of admissions

·         Leading on preparing young people for transition into the world of work, training and further and higher education

·         Ensuring the best attendance by all pupils, reducing the need for exclusions and ensuring inclusive practice across all schools and settings

·         Oversight of DSG Safety Valve programme (with the Lead Member for Finance and Corporate Services)

·         Governor training and support

·         Leading on apprenticeships and training

·         Deliver high quality and sustainable adult learning in order to improve the social, economic, health and wellbeing of our residents.

·         Joint responsibility for SEND support

Leading on the pilot of the Employ Merton job brokerage and finding service

To view contact details for the current Cabinet Member, click on the link below.


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