RESOLVED: That, having taken the advice from Borough Plan Advisory Committee, Cabinet:
A. Agreed the Consultation Report (Appendix B), including comments, responses and where applicable, amendments to the SPD.
B. Noted the Council has undertaken a screening exercise with relevant statutory bodies to confirm that a Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required to support the SPD.
C. Noted that whilst the Council’s constitution permits Cabinet to agree the Adoption of SPDs; in recognition of the cross-party political representation in Wimbledon wards, the decision will be presented to Council.
D. That Cabinet recommended to Council;
i. The adoption of the Future Wimbledon Supplementary Planning Document
(Appendix A) in accordance with the Town & Country Panning (Local
Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
ii. Delegate to the Director of Environment & Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Housing & Transport, the making of minor factual, editorial and image changes to the SPD prior to publication.