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Merton's Public Space Protection Order Report

09/09/2020 - Merton's Public Space Protection Order Report



1.    That the Evidence Report (Appendix 1), Public Consultation Results (Appendix 2) and the Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendix 3) be noted:

2.    That the making of the proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) related to the consumption of alcohol in public places in the restricted areas detailed in the PSPO and shown highlighted in section 2.8 of the Cabinet report be approved.  The form of the proposed PSPO is in Appendix 4.

3.    That the amount of the fixed penalty payment payable where a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) is issued in respect of breaches of the Order, as an alternative to prosecution, be set at £100, payable within 14 days and that no discount be authorised as an incentive for early payment;

4.    That the Director of Environment and Regeneration by authorised to finalise and make the PSPO, affixing the corporate seal on execution.  The PSPO shall come into force on 21 October 2020 once the remaining procedural formalities have been completed;

5.    That the proposed signage (Appendix 5) to be displayed in the restricted areas advising members of the public of the PSPO and its effect be noted and the Director of Environment and Regeneration be authorised to finalise form of the signs having regard to Cabinet’s views;

6.    That the process for making, varying and/or discharging any further PSPOs or varying and/or discharging any existing PSPOs as set out in section 2.226 table 2 of the Cabinet report be agreed; and

7.    That further analysis and consultation for the areas of Morden Town Centre, Wimbledon Town Centre and the wards of Abbey, Trinity, Pollards Hill and St Helier be carried out to assess either further expansion of the proposed PSPS and/or a separate PSPO, ensuring the legal test and statutory guidance is complied with at all times.