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Agenda item

Epsom and St Helier 2020-2030 to follow


The Joint Programme Director for Acute Sustainability gave an overview of the report, and stated that Epsom and St Helier Trust had developed a strategic outline case and outlined scenarios on future shape of services. The Clinical Commissioning Groups are responsible for determining the changes. The three CCG’s are the main customers of Epsom and St Helier and have established a formal programme of review. A recent meeting of the Committees in Common agreed the work so far and to proceed with an engagement programme.  No decisions have been made and open to suggestions, they will publish dates for future engagement imminently.


A panel member said there has been no reference to repeated attempts to close St Helier hospital. The Managing Director of Merton CCG said they will learn from previous exercise and take into account factors which were of concern of the past such as health inequalities.


A panel member asked if it is possible for people to move across the sites rather than reconfiguration, such as in Manchester. The Managing Director of Merton CCG co-locations are required, integrated care will support this work but the acute model needs to be looked at differently.


A panel member asked what will happen after formal consultation and how long until decisions are made. The Joint Programme Director for Acute Sustainability said they are  gathering provisional views on strengthen of case for change, first stage of engagement will take us to the early autumn, consider feedback next stage would be options appraisal and pre-consultation business case, then business case. The Managing Director of Merton CCG said we will make a decision when they are absolutely sure they have the right information in the context of the issues and local concern.


The Chief Executive of Epsom and St Helier said it is important to highlight we need a new hospital in catchment, early funding decisions will be made this year.


A panel member said there is concern that Merton residents will not have acute services nearby. The Managing Director of Merton CCG, said people access acute services by ambulance, there has to be acceptable access and a need to look at how long it takes to get there.


A panel member asked where the money coming from and if there will be reassurance that funds will be guaranteed and not disappear as it has in the past. The Chief Executive of Epsom and St Helier said the money will come from the government, 15% of patients use acute services it is important that community care is improved.


A panel member asked what happened to proposals to build a new hospital and knock down St Helier. The Chief Executive of Epsom and St Helier said a hospital will be ready until 2025. St Helier will not keep going until then and is undergoing repairs. The Trust will spend £100 million on Epsom and St Helier, therefore , there are no plans to demolish it.



NHS Colleagues were thanked for their presentation it was emphasised that there is cross party support at Merton Council for keeping all services at St Helier Hospital.


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