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Agenda item

The Pavilions, Watermill Way, SW19 2RD

Application Number: 17/P0390                Ward: Colliers Wood


Officer Recommendation: Grant planning permission subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement/Obligation and conditions.   


Proposal: Demolition of temporary pavilions and erection of a part 4 part 5 storey building to create office space (class b1a) and ground units for use within class a3 (cafes and restaurants) and class b1a (offices)


The Committee noted the officers report and presentation and information in the Supplementary Agenda. The Committee received verbal representations from an objector to the application, the applicant’s agent and the Ward Councillor, Nick Draper.


The Objector made points including:

·         The DRP gave it an amber

·         The proposal is too big and too tall, it would loom over the traditional heritage area of Abbey Mills

·         The proposal does not respect the character of the Conservation Area

·         It will obstruct the public realm

·         Current businesses say that rented offices will not generate additional footfall


The Applicant’s Agent made points including:

·         The Applicant was approached by FutureMerton to design a Business Hub

·         There is a lack of employment space in the Borough, with businesses on waiting lists for premises

·         Since the DRP gave its response the proposal has been reduced in height by one storey

·         The proposal is modern and innovative and will act as a destination building. It will have a positive impact on employment in the borough, by providing 200 jobs

·         The proposal will enhance the cultural offering in the borough.


Officers confirmed that it was a part 4 storey part 5 storey building.


Councillor Nick Draper made points including:

·         Object to this building which is massive, intrusive and inappropriate in the Abbey Mills area

·         It is designed to be an office block and community space, but it does not have the ‘magic’ of the mills area.

·         If we want to preserve the heritage of the area then do not build this proposal



Members made comments including:

·         Proposal does not compliment the buildings around it, it does not add to the important heritage site.

·         This is most historic site in the Borough and it would be damaged by this part 4/part 5 storey building, which has no character, being built next to much lower buildings.

·         Clear conflict between this building and the heritage of the site

·         The site deserves a much lower building that respects the character of the existing buildings and the heritage

·         It would be good to encourage the creative industries into the Borough, but on balance this proposal would harm its setting. Would want a more inspiring and attractive building on this site

·         The DRP were enthusiastic about the commercial potential but they did not like the design of this proposal


A motion to refuse was proposed and seconded, and agreed by the vote.




The Committee agreed to:


1.    REFUSE the application for the following reasons:


·         The proposal, by reason of its design and appearance, would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area

·         The proposal has an inappropriate relationship to the smaller historic neighbouring buildings


2.    DELEGATE to the Director of Environment & Regeneration the authority to make any appropriate amendments in the context of the above to the wording of the grounds of refusal including references to appropriate policies

Supporting documents: