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Agenda item

Business Plan Update 2014-2018


Caroline Holland introduced the report.


Councillor Agatha Akyigyina asked about the controlled expenditure. Caroline Holland explained that this is direct expenditure, of which, the schools grant did not form a part. This included salaries and running expenses.  CSF has a lower income in comparison to other departments. There is a lower savings Weighting for CSF.

Councillor Oonagh Moulton enquired about the savings targets. Caroline Holland explained that the base savings for 2014/15 and 2015/16 in the base budget had been rolled forward and would only come back to the Panel if changes were being proposed.


Councillor Peter Walker asked about gearing in comparison with other departments. Caroline Holland explained that for CSF it stood at 0.5, C&H stood at 0.75, and CS stood at 1.5. This is based on expenditure as CSF needs to find fewer saving than other departments. The weightings are designed around the programmes we would like to protect first.


Councillor Peter Walker stated that this should be clear in the report to emphasise the values of the administration. Councillor Maxi Martin stated her commitment to this and noted that this has always been communicated.


Councillor Oonagh Moulton asked what changes there were in the capital programme in relation to primary school expansion and with regard to secondary schools from 2014 onwards, how realistic are these targets.


Caroline Holland explained that this was based on outturn from 2012/13 and regular monitoring was undertaken. In 2013/14 certain schemes have been re-profiled. Budget managers are being asked to regularly review how they are performing.


Paul Ballatt explained that there had been some slippage in some schemes and that the future projected expansion is indicative at this stage. Regular monitoring is undertaken to challenge assumptions. 21 additional permanent forms of entry are being planned for. The Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel agreed the direction of travel for secondary school expansion when consulted. However, a programme based on certainty has not yet been established. The council has written to all secondary schools requesting them to agree to expansion and to indicate their preferred timing.  The figures on page 73 represent filling up surplus, expansion, academies and the provision of additional forms of entry in community schools. The council are also looking at new provision and also an element of expansion in faith schools, where there is demand particularly from Merton residents. The council may need further new secondary provision hence the uncertainty at this stage.


Councillor Oonagh Moulton asked how the interest and intake for faith school provision had been established. Paul Ballatt explained that work was underway looking at the pattern of demand for faith schools and a matter of affordability.


Councillor Peter Walker asked what percentage of children are at Wimbledon and Ursuline schools now. Paul Ballatt explained that this data could be circulated after it has been analysed.


Councillor Peter Walker asked when the contract for Dundonald was expected to go ahead. Paul Ballatt explained that this was a decision to be taken by Cabinet in December – alongside decision-making about the land appropriation recently consulted on. Officers are also optimistic that the very long-running issues regarding Sport England’s position on the Dundonald proposal may be resolved finally shortly. Were there to be a subsequent JR on the decision-making, the council would need to take a view on either pausing plans for the development or proceeding following a risk assessment.


Councillor James Holmes asked if faith schools were oversubscribed. Paul Ballatt explained that Wimbledon and Ursuline were oversubscribed and that Merton will have to make a decision regarding investment in provision that may be used by children living in other authority boundaries.


Councillor James Holmes enquired about further new school provision. Paul Ballatt explained that 2 new schools may be required with 20-30 additional forms of entry required in the secondary sector. Expansion therefore has to be at the core of the strategy.


Councillor James Holmes asked what time scales were in place to determine what provision would be taken forward. Paul Ballatt explained that it was not easy to state at this point and that there were other factors to consider.


Caroline Holland explained that school expansion proposals would need to be considered when further information was available to determine revenue impact and longer term planning could be undertaken.


Councillor Peter Walker added that we should be learning from primary school expansion which was cheaper and consider expansion and split site provision.

Paul Ballatt offered reassurance that the core values of the expansion strategy are to build upon the existing estate. There is a commitment not to expand beyond 10 forms of entry and all factors are being considered.


RESOLVED:  Councillor Jeff Hanna thanked the officers and agreed with the Panel that these comments be forwarded to the Overview and Scrutiny Commission and expressed the Panels desire to see more accurate costs as soon as they can be achieved.


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