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Agenda item

Safeguarding - Progress Report


Paul Angeli noted the key challenges the council faced last year and that these were likely to continue with the new inspection framework. There have been a number of changes in service delivery over the last year and the restructuring of the safeguarding service and MASH will lead to improvements. The Safeguarding Board have a role in management and overview of safeguarding. There is excellent practice in the borough and the work on Child sexual exploitation has been put forward for the annual London Safeguarding Children Awards.


Councillor Maxi Martin explained that this work was critical and that partnership working was central to its success.


Councillor Linda Taylor enquired about the timescales for gathering more robust data. Paul Angeli explained that this data was coming through from different agencies but that it was difficult to confirm timescales.


Councillor Linda Taylor asked how this data, when gathered, would support service delivery. Paul Angeli explained that the board were looking at a sub group structure and for a mechanism to draw this information together and use in the process of challenge individual agencies.


Councillor James Holmes asked what agencies and what data and why the process would become more robust as a result. Paul Angeli confirmed that this would include police, Health, Schools, and CAMHS etc. Paul Ballatt added that an example of how this data would support this work would be in the case of inquoracy, where agencies need to meet to discuss the child’s needs to be able to complete a care plan. Certain people around the table are key to this.  Aligning data addresses issues of quoracy.


Councillor Agatha Akyigyina asked if we should be concerned about the 100% increase of referral to the LADO. Paul Angeli explained that this is because there had been because of awareness raising around the work of LADO and also the work of the quality assurance team which has had a knock on effect on the number of referrals. 


Councillor Jeff Hanna asked about the outcomes of these referrals. Paul Angeli confirmed that there has not been a major increase in action needing to be taken following these referrals but that more LADO meetings are being held. This workload is manageable.


Councillor Iain Dysart asked for information on the learning framework developed by the Board, on the influence of MASH on the increase in the rates of referral to assessment and why this is the case, is this because of better recording practices? Councillor Iain Dysart asked what percentage of conferences has been in quorate.


Paul Angeli explained that funding arrangements were secure for the Board and that the partnership is commitment to funding this activity. With regard to MASH, the rates of referral to assessment are influenced by a range of factors. 


Paul Angeli explained that the data on the number of child protection conferences that were not quorate could be forwarded to the Panel outside of the meeting. The department were focusing on not cancelling child protection conferences and where this is unavoidable the Child Protection Plan is reviewed and updated.


Councillor Oonagh Moulton asked how effective MASH was and if the police had been working collaboratively with the council. Paul Angeli commented that the police had been committed and that their involvement was something to be celebrated and that the presence of MASH has made a difference and that analysis is required but so far the contribution of MASH has been helpful. The department are also looking at good practice.


Councillor Debbie Shears emphasised the need to look at good practice elsewhere and ensure we are learning from others. Paul Angeli added that there as a wide variation in London and that the council were looking at more joint working in MASH with regard to sharing information.


RESOLVED: Panel noted the report and expressed thanks for the departments work to date.


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