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Agenda item

Holt Lodge, 170 London Road, Morden, SM4 5AN


Application Number: 17/P0092            Ward: Merton Park


Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions



Proposal: Demolition of Holt Lodge, one half of a semi-detached pair of dwellings (Class C3), and redevelopment of the site to construct two, three storey buildings comprising 9 residential units (4x1 bed and 5x2 bed) in use class C3.


The Committee noted the officers report and presentation and the additional condition regarding window form and glazing on the Supplementary Agenda and an additional condition on boundary treatment.


The Planning Officer asked the Committee to note that there was an extant permission on this site that could be implemented up to November 2017.


The Objector raised residents’ concern including:

·         Would like to see an employment use on this site

·         Concerned about lack of parking provision in this development

·         Concerned about loss of privacy from overlooking of proposed development

·         The objector currently has 7 windows in her property, this development will block the light to all but 2 windows. This will increase electricity usage and lack of natural light and sunlight is bad for health.

·         This proposed development is very dense and not in keeping with the residential nature of Morden.


The applicant’s agent spoke and made points including:


·         Although the previously allowed scheme did include some employment use, Planning Officers had advised that this was no longer viable or sustainable

·         The policy is to discourage parking

·         The scheme has been designed so that there is no direct overlooking of existing properties, windows will angled or obscured and fixed shut.

·         Sunlight and daylight studies have been done on all windows on the neighbouring side of The Holt and have been found to be acceptable


In reply to Members questions the Planning Officer made points including:


  • Since the first extant permission was granted Morden has been designated as one of the Mayor of London’s Housing Zone and there is an increased emphasis on providing housing. The extant permission contained an employment area but there was no planning agreement restricting the redevelopment of the nearby Crystal Autocare site until such time as a replacement service centre was provided on the Holt Lodge site.

·         The applicant has carried out detailed daylight and sunlight assessments of all habitable rooms from all surrounding dwellings.

·         It is acknowledged that 21 windows in The Holt would experience a reduction in ‘Vertical Sky Component’ and daylight distribution below BRE  guidelines. But Members are asked to note that the windows with the more significant loses are to non-habitable rooms.

·         The proposal is designed to limit the impact of the loss of natural light to the windows of habitable rooms in The Holt, particularly with the a gap included between blocks.

·         It is the Officers view that the benefits of this scheme, in delivering housing to the Morden area, and its design to limit the loss of light outweigh the affect the scheme would have with regards to loss of light

·         With regard to parking – London Road has double red lines and the parking bays that are available only provide for limited parking with hours beyond those of a working day. The site is close to numerous Bus Routes, Morden South Overground Rail Station and Morden Underground Station. Therefore it is not realistic for residents to park and ample opportunity to use public transport


Officers agreed to a Member request to consult with the Metropolitan Police at the appropriate time to ensure that the cycle storage meets ‘Secured By Design’ requirements.


Officers agreed to amend the wording of Condition 8 regarding refuse storage to ensure that this storage is secure.


Members made comments approving  the design of the application and its inclusion of electric car charging points in the disabled parking bays.




The Committee voted  to GRANT Planning Permission subject to conditions in the Officer’ s Report and delegated to  Officers that the  wording of Condition 8 would ensure the security of the refuse and recycling storage facility.



Supporting documents: