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Agenda item

Final report: rapporteur scrutiny review of user voice


Cllr Neil Jerome provided a detail introduction to his report highlighting the recommendations made:

·         That Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel (CYP) examine the implications of the Staying Put policy increasing the cohort of looked after children (LAC) for which the council is responsible and its effects on participation within the borough;

·         That a working group – perhaps with the involvement of the Children in Care Council (CICC) – be set up to consider the viability of introducing a “Mentor/Champion Scheme for Looked After Children” as considered by Leicester City Council;

·         That CYP ask the Children, Schools and Families Department to continue to monitor its use of feedback loops and report on this at regular intervals through the department update report during this municipal year; and

·         That CYP examine how best to engage the LAC and care leaver cohort in its work.


In response to member questions, officers (Yvette Stanley, Director, Children, Schools and Families and Paul Angeli, Assistant Director Children's Social Care and Youth Inclusion) clarified:

1.    Staying put policy: this is the relatively recent change that allows those in foster care to stay within their current provision beyond their 18th birthday potentially up until they are 21 years (or to 25 years if they are at University).  Currently, the department is reviewing awareness of the policy amongst young people - it is felt that there is more to be done in explaining the provision.  However, it was noted that it can be difficult for foster carers to accommodate the new policy; having young people in their homes can make it difficult to have younger foster children, and affect income and benefits.  Ultimately foster carers might not wish to  agree to Staying Put arrangements;

2.    Impact of user voice: there are lots of examples of where user voice is influencing services.  Examples provided include the independence guide for foster carers which was written by looked after children and care leavers, the influence that those in care have on their own individual plans and the 32 promises that comprise the care leaver pledge which were complied from a survey of those leaving care; and

3.    Social media: use of social media to maintain contact and communicate with looked after children and care leavers is restricted due to corporate security requirements.  However, funding is available to develop a dedicated website.  The CSF Department is awaiting  the ability of the corporate centre to secure the skills to do the technical aspects of this work.


Yvette Stanley, Director, Children, Schools and Families responded to Cllr Neil’s paper:

·         Ofsted has noted listening to young people as a service strength;

·         Care needs to be taken when engaging with looked after children and care leavers to manage expectations; aspirations can be great and impossible for the Council to achieve.  Care also needs to be taken to qualify the feedback and experience of any one individual;

·         Expressed reservations about any form of befriending scheme based on prior experience.  This can take a lot to get right including training for Councillors.  Highlighted the trauma and loss of looked after children and care leavers which can make short term relationships difficult;

·         Noted that engagement of young people in scrutiny and other meetings requires preparation and that opportunities for engagement through the Youth Parliament and the Children in Care Council need to be used wisely; young people involved in these have their own objectives they want to achieve and are only willing to give up a limited amount of time to adults’ concerns;

·         Noted that the Department does undertake a lot of consultation with looked after children and care leavers but could do more to ensure this is shared with the Panel;

·         Thanked Cllr Neil for his report and the good ideas it contains but noted the care that is needed to take these forward.  Recommended a meeting with Cllr Neil and Cllr Neep (Cabinet Member for Children’s Services) to discuss this further following which a response to the paper could be provided by the department to the Panel.


RESOLVED: to thank Cllr Neil for his paper and for Cllr Neil, Cllr Neep, (the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services), and Yvette Stanley, (Director, Children, Schools and Families), to meet and discuss the recommendations resulting from the review.  Following the meeting the Department will provide the Panel with a response to the paper.


Supporting documents: