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Agenda item

23 Streatham Road, Mitcham, CR4 2AD

Application Number:16/P4418                             Ward: Figges Marsh


Recommendation: GRANT Planning Permission subject to conditions.


Proposal: Demolition of existing building and erection of a single storey Lidl foodstore with associated car parking, cycle parking and landscaping.     


The Committee noted the officer’s report and presentation and additional information in the Supplementary Agenda.


The Objector raised residents’ concerns including:

·         Do not object to the principle of a Lidl store on this site but object to the position of this proposal as it is only 6m away flats in Tudor House

·         This proximity  would cause noise and pollution nuisance for residents and would affect the right to light of residents

·         Pity that Lidl did not engage with residents by following up on original consultations


The Agent made comments including:

·         This is an opportunity to redevelop a Brownfield site and is important for the local community

·         Changes have been made to the application to improve the movement of vehicles, and a right turn lane from Streatham Road is part of the proposal

·         The application contains landscaping to retain TPO trees, add 10 new trees, a green living wall and bird boxes to retain the feel and biodiversity of the current site

·         It will provide 40 retail jobs


In answer to Members questions the Planning Officer explained:

·         The Previous appeal in 1998 is a material consideration, but Officers do not know how much weight it would carry now.

·         Officers were satisfied that the proposal will not have an impact on natural light to Tudor House

·         Hours of servicing and deliveries could be further controlled by more detailed conditions. This could include specific requirements for chiller lorries


Members made comments including:

·         There is no objection to the principle of a Lidl Store on this site

·         The design and siting of this proposal is unneighbourly to Tudor House

·         If accommodation had been incorporated into this design it would have softened the connection with Tudor House.

·         The amount of parking could be reduced to encourage sustainable forms of transport to be used

·         The traffic in this area can be very heavy

·         If the building was moved forward on the site it would have less impact on residents in Tudor House and Graham Avenue

·         Don’t understand why there needs to be so much parking at the front of the development

·         Loading Bay is in the wrong place – it could be in the middle of the site


A recommendation to Refuse was proposed and seconded, for the reasons of the design and siting of this proposal is unneighbourly to Tudor House and does not respect the streetscene of Streatham Road.




The Committee agreed to:


1.  REFUSE the application for the following reason:

The application by its siting and design, does not present an active frontage to Streatham Road, it does not maintain the rhythm and existing pattern of Streatham Road and it unduly affects the outlook from Tudor House and Graham Avenue.


2.  DELEGATE to the Director of Environment & Regeneration the authority to make any appropriate amendments in the context of the above to the wording of the grounds of refusal including references to appropriate policies



Supporting documents: