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Agenda item

Mitcham Town Centre Regeneration Scheme (2) (Cricket Green & Figges Marsh Wards)


1. Following officers introducing the report, the Advisory Committee heard oral representations from the following residents, including representatives of the two bodies shown below-
(a) Tony Burton (Mitcham Cricket Green Community Heritage) (MCGCH)
(b) John Mansfield (Mitcham Society)
(c) Vijay Patel.


2. Speaker marked (c) supported the proposals.  Both speakers marked (a) & (b) above, whilst making various comments, objected to a number of aspects of the proposals, but particularly the proposal that buses be re-introduced through the centre of Mitcham along the currently pedestrianised section of London Road, including across the Fair Green open space area.  Both referred to petitions/surveys (submitted at the meeting by John Mansfield) which their bodies had undertaken, showing that the bus lane proposal was not supported by local residents and businesses (in contrast to the survey figures in the officer report showing overall support for the bus lane proposal).


3. The Advisory Committee then heard oral representations from local Ward Councillor Judy Saunders, including various comments but supporting the proposals being progressed.


4. There was then considerable discussion including officers responding to queries and the concerns raised by objectors.  Discussion included the results of the Council’s consultation exercise; the petitions/surveys submitted by objectors at this meeting; the issue of whether moving buses and bus stops into London Road would generate the extra footfall and customers for shops/businesses in Mitcham Town Centre which in turn could encourage businesses to move to Mitcham; the possibility of deferring any decision on the bus lane proposal to a later phase of the regeneration scheme; the design/size of the proposed market canopy; toilet facilities; routes for cyclists; the proposed pedestrian broadwalk at Three kings Pond; and the retention of trees.


5. Recommendations – The Advisory Committee considered the Recommendations in the officer report and agreed Recommendations (A), (B), (C) & (D).

6. The Advisory Committee then agreed Recommendation (E) by 3 votes to nil (Councillors David Dean, Simon Withey and Miles Windsor abstaining).


RESOLVED: That the Street Management Advisory Committee (SMAC) recommends that the Cabinet Member for Environmental Sustainability and Regeneration:

A. Notes the content and issues set out herein, related to the implementation of a town centre improvement scheme in Mitcham.

B. Notes the outcome of the consultation conducted in June and July 2013, the issues raised, and officers response to them, in relation to the broad scheme proposals.

C. Notes the considerations related to the funding, procurement, planning, implementation and legalities associated with the scheme and the steps officers are taking to ensure these issues are appropriately addressed as part of the project.

D. Agrees that the necessary steps be taken for the implementation of Phase 1 of the scheme including further consultation related to Traffic Management Orders.

E. Agrees that the steps necessary to progress the outline designs of Phases 2 to 6 of the scheme as set out in this report including further analysis related to cycle provision and traffic impacts are taken forward for further consideration by the Cabinet Member before approval for implementation.

Supporting documents: