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Agenda item

Task Group - Scoping Report


The draft scope was circulated to members. Councillor Jeff Hanna explained that the task group had met to finalise the scope but added that Councillors James Holmes and Agatha Akyigyina had been the only ones at the meeting.

Councillor James Holmes said that the original aim of the review had been about school leadership in general. He said that Jan Martin had explained that Merton had little influence on leadership or succession planning in schools. He outlined his suggestion to look at a cohort of about 10 challenged schools in the borough and to analyse their needs, research good practice, and help them obtain funding from European grants, charitable organisations and local business sponsorship opportunities.

Councillor James Holmes added that he had spoken to Diana Sterck from the Merton Chamber of Commerce and she had been enthusiastic about the sponsorship idea. He thanked Jan Martin and asked for input from members.

Councillor Agatha Akyigyina emphasised the importance of succession planning being a part of the review. She said that even if the council had little direct influence, it was important to look into it. She pointed out that despite 40-50% of schoolchildren being BME; a relatively low number of staff reflected that. She said training and planning was needed.

Councillor Linda Taylor said that the task group review needed more focus if it was to look at school leadership. Councillor Laxmi Attawar said she felt that ensuring a diverse and representative leadership was important. Councillor James Holmes said that this would be part of the needs criteria.

Councillor Peter Walker said that young people needed to see visible role models. Yvette Stanley pointed out that a small number of heads and deputies were of BME background, and that overall 19% of school staff were BME compared to about 30% of adults in Merton. It would be useful to hear the views of black leaders through any review.

Councillor Peter Walker said that while staff should not be appointed purely for diversity reasons and while Merton does not directly appoint staff, the panel could help to encourage BME people to apply for senior school positions. He said that Councillor James Holmes’ suggestion of involving businesses was a good idea, but felt that diversity in school leadership was a key priority for the borough and needed to be a major part of the task group review.

Councillor James Holmes stated that it was important that the task group was able to make an impact. He said that the business support for schools did not have to be a task group review and that he was happy to take it forward as a separate initiative. He agreed to look at leadership succession planning in schools but expressed his reservations as to what could be accomplished.

Councillor Oonagh Moulton reminded the panel that a lot of the leadership succession was down to school governors. She asked what the task group could usefully do.

Colin Powell observed that a lot of information on BME representation in schools had already been done and could be used in the task group. Yvette Stanley added that the National College of School Leadership had done some good national work on BME Leadership succession planning. She said that Merton was already working with a South West London effectiveness partnership. She added that nationally the country faced a challenge increasing BME representation on PGCE courses and that it was a good area to look at.

She said it would be useful to talk to middle-level BME staff in schools as well, and that the task group review’s recommendations could take the form of advice for governing bodies.

Councillor Karin Forbes agreed. She said the task group needed actionable recommendations. This did not have to be about appointing head teachers but could be to do with encouraging and supporting mid-management diversity.

Councillor Linda Taylor agreed that the focus should be on raising the motivation and aspirations of BME mid-level school staff.

Councillor Jeff Hanna asked officers if the local authority gave support to governing bodies through the appointment process. Jan Martin said that schools could and often did ask for support, but it was not compulsory.

Councillor Jeff Hanna suggested the following changes be made to the draft scope:

·         That the aims of the review specify a focus on representation of different ethnic groups in senior positions in schools.

·         That the aims include a discussion on what constitutes a good head of a school.

·         That the terms of reference include examining support for existing and potential senior staff.

·         That the task group look at how posts are advertised.

·         That researching best practice covers a range of schools and school types.

Councillor Agatha Akyigyina asked if all schools would be looked at or just a few. Yvette Stanley said it would be good to look at a range of them.

Councillor Peter Walker reiterated his support for the Chamber of Commerce initiative suggested by Councillor James Holmes. Councillor James Holmes agreed that this could be taken forward outside of the task group and planned to liaise with Jan Martin, Yvette Stanley and Diana Sterck.

RESOLVED:  Panel agreed the amended scope and referred the matter back to the Task Group.

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