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Agenda item

Motion 1 (Conservative)


Motion 1 set out in the agenda was moved by Councillor Henry Nelless and seconded by Councillor Diane Neil Mills.


The Liberal Democrat amendment set out in the supplementary agenda was moved by Councillor Iain Dysart and seconded by Councillor Mary Jane-Jeanes.


The amendment was put to the meeting.






The Labour amendment set out in the second supplementary agenda was moved by Councillor Mark Betteridge and seconded by Councillor John Dehaney


The amendment was put to the meeting.






The motion as amended was put to the meeting and it was:




This Council recognises that for too long vital local assets such as car parks, pubs and libraries have been lost without proper consideration being given to the effect on the community in Merton.


Recent efforts by residents to try and save Wimbledon Library, the P4 car park and Morden Tavern by having them listed as ‘assets of community value’ under the provisions of the 2011 Localism Act clearly demonstrate the willingness and determination of local people to protect the borough’s assets for the benefit of future generations. However time and again, residents and community groups have come up against what can sometimes be perceived as council bureaucracy and a lack of transparency with regard to management of the council’s assets.  However Council acknowledges that the current system allows for decisions on applications for listing to be taken by a non-political group of officers, in consultation with the Cabinet member and local ward councillors, and that decisions are taken in line with the requirements of the Localism Act which outline the specific requirements for a nomination to be accepted; Council cannot operate outside of these legal requirements.


This Council believes that Merton should seek to help not hinder residents and community groups in their efforts and as such, in line with the clear provisions of the Localism Act, the Council already takes responsibility for holding the list of assets around the borough which local people would like to see protected and that comply with the requirements of the Act. This Council also notes that any unfunded capital projects over £500k that are not already in the approved budget need to be agreed by full Council.  Council acknowledges that requiring Council approval of transactions of below this agreed amount would reduce the authority’s financial agility and its ability to get the best value for council taxpayers’ money and assets.


This Council therefore resolves:


a)     Actively to encourage and support Merton’s residents, businesses and community groups to come forward with proposals for local sites to be included on the list of Merton’s ‘assets of community value’. 

b)     To request Scrutiny to review the current decision making process and the Strategic Property Asset Group to ascertain whether this is the most appropriate approach to considering these proposed sites and to put forward recommendations for change if required.  However, Council reiterates the principle that local ward members should continue to be included in any decisions on sites in their wards.

c)      As part of a move towards greater openness and transparency and improved forward planning, that any unfunded capital projects over £500k not already clearly stated in the budget approved in March each year, should continue to be brought to Full Council for decision by all Members.


Supporting documents: