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Agenda item

Responsible Cabinet Member review

·         Cabinet Member for Education (Councillor Cooper-Marbiah)

·         Cabinet Member for Children’s Services (Councillor Neep)


1.    Cabinet Member for Education (Councillor Cooper-Marbiah):


The Cabinet Member highlighted the following:

·         Harris Wimbledon: more information about the new secondary academy will be made public shortly - officers are working on communications;

·         Ofsted inspections: these have happened recently at Wimbledon Park, the Priory and Links Primary Schools.  The reports are not yet available;

·         School visits: these have highlighted how difficulties recruiting and retaining good teachers are linked to the provision of housing.  Also the Cabinet Member has seen how schools are utilising the diverse languages spoken by pupils to boost their teaching provision; and

·         National teaching award: congratulations were given to Richard Brown of Cricket Green School who has been awarded a Pearson Teaching Award for Excellence in Special Needs Education.


In response to member questions, the Cabinet Member clarified:

·         Her vision for education over the mid to long term is that there are sufficient school places and a consistently high quality of education across the borough;

·         A public meeting is being planned to provide more information about Harris Wimbledon.  The precise timing and details are currently being discussed.  Officers are continuing to work closely with all those involved in the new school and taking time to go through questions raised by stakeholders.  Careful management of information into the public domain is needed given that  some information has already ‘leaked’ into the public domain.  Rather than being drawn into discussion about what of this information is or isn’t correct, it has been agreed that communication should focus on this public meeting when all can be clarified; and

·         Clarification will be sought about the ownership of the pavilion at Sherwood School.


2.    The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services (Councillor Neep):


The Cabinet Member highlighted the following:

·         Voice of children and young people: the Cabinet Member expressed the desire that the Panel should hear more of the voice of children and young people as this is at the heart of all we do;

·         Housing: specifically overcrowding is a significant issue for children and young people and is a priority.  This is linked to the Merton Safeguarding Children Board’s focus on think family; and

·         The great weight debate: a resident consultation is currently happening and looking at what is causing the increase in childhood obesity which is an issue across the whole borough.


In response to member questions, the Cabinet Member clarified:

·         The majority of youth provision and participation is no longer funded by the council but it has been successful in gaining alternative funds to support provision in Pollards Hill and Phipps Bridge.  The focus is now on securing sustainable funding.  Social landlords are being targeted.  It was emphasised that whilst this activity isn’t council funded, it is important provision which should be supported and endorsed;

·         The aim is as near as possible to have sufficient in-house foster carers to end the use of agency foster carers.  Recruitment was reported as going well and existing capacity is being used more efficiently including a reduction in the time taken between initial interest being expressed and approvals being given (with Merton comparing well nationally and to London).  However, it was also highlighted that there is a need for more foster carers for children with special education needs and/or disabilities and for adolescents and that there is a group of foster carers who are close to retirement.  Also, many are trained to care for looked after children aged under 8 whereas there is a growing profile of those in care in Merton who are aged 15 – 17 (unaccompanied asylum seeking children are changing the profile of those in our care);

·         The Troubled Families Programme is on-going and focused on supporting families to develop their own skills and abilities to take action themselves; and

·         Child Protection Plans are based on careful judgements and a signs of safety approach (a strengths based and safety focused approach to child protection).  This looks at areas of concern and how these can be addressed to reduce risk.  Interventions are reviewed and the impact assessed.


Members suggested looking at the issues highlighted by the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services through the Panel’s future work programme.