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Agenda item

Domestic Violence - Zoe Gallen, Lead for Domestic Violence and MARAC, Safer Merton


Zoe Gallen updated the meeting on the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) strategy and the work being done to prevent Domestic Violence (DV) and support victims.  She outlined the work of the One Stop Shop and measures implemented to support victims, including: awareness raising, a drop-in service for victims. The four staff who provide the One-Stop Shop service; a Health Worker, 2 Solicitors and Zoe are funded by MOPAC. The One-Stop shop opens  from 9.30 to 12.00.


30% of victims are male.  1400 crimes have been report in the last 12 months.


Ms Gallen urged the JCC members  to contact her to help raise awareness of the DV support services available.

Question? – Do male cases get to court? Ms Gallen replied that male DV victims find it difficult to talk about  what has happened to them, due to the stereotype that males are not usually DV victims. Male victims are given support.


All victims get support to help with safety planning. It is difficult to get sufficient evidence to get cases to court.


Cllr Akigyina added that the Police tend to believe the woman.  Zoe responded that improvements have been made in the support that staff give to male victims.


Question:  What is the age group that are commonly DV victims? – 35-40 years is the average age.  Female victims are usually in their  20’s but recently there has been an increase in victims aged 40 plus.


Question: Are DV rates lower in Asian communities? The main client group is White British; there are a lot of Asian women (Tamil).  For every one victim an average of £5000 is incurred providing appropriate support.


How is cultural sensitivity dealt with now that SLAWO no longer operates in Merton? Ms Gallen replied that the support is provided from another group that works pan-London. London Councils fund groups that operate London wide.


It was suggested that Ms Gallen presents statistics on DV.  Ms Gallen informed the meeting that Safer  Merton’s Data Analyst will be producing statistics and comparing them with other boroughs and she undertook to bring the figures to a future meeting.


Councillor Skeete asked what happens when cases are dropped against DV perpetrators and how are the victims kept track of?  Ms Gallen replied that the victim continues to get support.


There was a discussion about preventative strategies and Ms Gallen updated the meeting on some of the initiatives such as working with schools to teach children about healthy relationships.   Ms Gallen has been working with Head Teachers and drama has been used to express relationships. The key is to educate children from an early age about DV.


Ms Gallen gave an update on the Domestic Homocide Review and advised that a work plan is being developed to deliver the priorities.


Dr Arumugaraasah asked why DV is increasing if preventative measures are in place and how are vulnerable groups being targeted?  Ms Gallen explained that DV is discussed more and people are now more comfortable to talk about it.  Confidence and awareness has increased and this may be part of the reason for the increase.


Cllr Henry asked if we have figures for Forces Marriages in Merton?  Ms Gallen replied that the numbers are low and generally the victims do not believe it was forced, but an arranged marriage, so it is difficult to quantify. Victims do not want family members to be arrested.



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