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Agenda item

Future Contract for the Provision of Office Administration, Grounds Maintenance and Grave digging services at cemeteries in London Borough of Merton


The Leisure and Culture Greenspaces Manager presented the report that set out the options available to the Board for the future provision of office administration, grounds maintenance and grave digging services for MSJCB post January to March 2017.


The report set out 4 options for the Board to consider:

Option 1 Core Works

Option 2 Non Core Works (Schedule of Rates)

Option 3 Undertaking its own Tendering Arrangements

Option 4 To Do Nothing


Merton’s Director of Environment and Regeneration, who had joined the meeting for this item, provided the Board with detailed information over the ‘Lot C’ procurement exercise by SLWP, on behalf of Merton and Sutton, including what services were likely to be procured. It was explained as a result of this process, from January to March 2017 it was likely that from many of the services the Board obtain from Merton, such as the use of their grave diggers, would not be provided directly by Merton and the board would need to consider how it would wish to obtain those services going forward. The board were reminded that they employed one full time officer and four part time employees, including their Treasurer and Secretary.


The board then held a lengthy debate over the positives and negatives of each of the four options and asked the officers a number of questions for clarification. One of the queries raised related to a point raised by Union’s representative, over the MSJCB work not having been included in the OJEU Notice. In response it was confirmed, that based on legal advice, that the Board work would be covered in the current OJEU notice, if required.


As part of the discussion they looked at the potential financial implication going forward of each of the options and discussed the impact each could have on their full time employee, who was based at the cemetery, including in relation to the potential of the employee needing to be transferred to LB Merton and or then to a contractor.


In response to a question it was confirmed that the full time employee had received all the same information and briefings, as all Merton employees that could be affected by the procurement. The Board ask that this continues, but it needs to be made clear to the individual and his Union, that the Board was empowering Merton officers to do this one their behalf, as it was important no matter what their decision was that he was kept update.


In coming to a conclusion on this item Option 1 was moved and seconded to be their preferred option and this was voted upon and carried by 6 votes to 1. Councillor Williams asked that his vote against the resolution be recorded.




1.          That the Merton & Sutton Joint Cemetery Board agrees that the office administration, grounds maintenance and grave digging services for Merton & Sutton Cemetery (MSJC) is included in Lot 2 Phase C (Core Works) of the procurement grounds maintenance for London boroughs of Merton and Sutton


2.          That the Treasurer to the Board commissions the information detailed within financial implications including pension fund information.