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Agenda item

Performance report: sustainable communities


Chris Lee highlighted four key points from the performance report:

1.    (CRP 044): revenue estimates for parking services have not and will not be achieved in this municipal year.  This was projected to include revenue from the implementation of an automatic number plate recognition scheme which has been delayed.  The council has been successful in lifting an injunction brought by the unsuccessful bidder, (although litigation against the council continues over the award of the contract), and is now working with the preferred bidder for the scheme to go live in June 2016;

2.    (SP 065): rates of recycling have plateaued.  This is a challenge facing all authorities;

3.    (CRP 051 / SP 114): the council will achieve its target for processing major planning applications within 13 weeks.  However, the Government is seeking to open up planning to the market through the provisions of the Housing and Planning Bill currently before parliament; councils will potentially compete to process planning applications and be able to offer fast track application services under new proposals including increasing fees.  Whilst there are lots of unknowns about these changes they also offer opportunities; and

4.    (SP024): the council is ahead of its own target for ensuring the occupancy rate of properties it owns which compares favourably with London and national averages.


In response to member questions, the following clarification was given:

·         Chris Lee (SP113/SP380): it was confirmed that the backlog of development and building control enforcement cases has reduced during the year but not sufficiently to meet the annual target.  Approximately 80% of cases are without merit and there is no ability to check all of them.  There continues to be a role for the public in helping to notify the council of building infringements;

·         Cormac Stokes (SP065): Bexley is the local authority with the highest level of recycling in London (50+%).  Lambeth has seen the biggest increase in the last year (up by 7% from 21% to 28%).  All authorities have their own bespoke schemes making it hard to compare and assess why some are more successful than others.  Mixing general waste with recycling isn’t a solution to green fatigue; such schemes aren’t available because this damages items suitable for recycling and diminishes their value.  The council’s recycling promotions over the post few years mean that close to a third of residents have been spoken to face-to-face.  The wheeled bin pilot did see a slight increase in recycling but also an increase in waste which may reflect waste that is usually picked up in street cleaning was going into wheeled bins;

·         Cormac Stokes (SP046): the target for income for commercial waste will be exceeded.  The billing for January looks low because the phasing of invoicing means invoicing for January actually happened in December;

·         Chris Lee - enforcement fines: at the moment there isn’t a strong business case for raising the number of enforcement officers and increasing their coverage beyond town centres.  Currently, high foot fall areas are covered because of the costs involved.  However, the Government is considering increasing fines;

·         Chris Lee (SP071): the higher rate of sickness is partly explained by seasonal factors and some is due to long standing health issues.  This is being addressed but is likely to continue in the meantime; and

·         (SP127): it was unknown if visitor parking permits are included in the five working day issue target.  As residents have been reporting difficulties in securing these, Chris Lee will check.


(All codes stated refer to the classifications in the performance report.)


RESOLVED: to note the report.

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