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Agenda item

Rainbow Industrial Estate, Approach Road, Grand Drive, Raynes Park, SW20 0JY (Ref. 14/P4287 & 14/P4288 ) (Raynes Park Ward)

Officer Recommendations:
(1) Proposal A (14/P4287) -Grant Planning Permission subject to any direction from the Mayor of London, planning conditions and a S106 legal agreement.
(2) Proposal B (14/P4288) -Grant Planning Permission subject to any direction from the Mayor of London and planning conditions


1. Proposal A (ref. 14/P4287) - Redevelopment involving demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6 blocks of flats of 5-7 storeys and a terrace of 9 houses, providing 224 residential units (class C3) plus 3,449 sqm of commercial floorspace for uses within class B1 (business) and 264 sq.m of ancillary commercial floorspace for uses within classes A1 (retail), A2 (financial and professional services), A3 (restaurants and cafes) and D1 (non--residential institutions), an energy centre, associated surface level and basement parking (126 - cars, 10 light goods vehicles, 21 motorcycles, 33 disability spaces) cycle storage (274 spaces) and external amenity space and landscaping.

1.1 Proposal B (ref. 14/P4288) - Works to upgrade land adjoining to the south and south west of Raynes Park Station including road widening and the creation of "kiss and ride" (a picking up and dropping off area) facility adjacent to Raynes Park Station.

2. Discussion – There was extensive discussion of the proposals including regarding the following -
(a) the Planning Brief for the site and how the proposals related to the Brief;
(b) the proposed level of affordable housing of 15% compared to the Council’s target of 40%, which had been subject to an independent viability assessment;
(c) the proposed housing mix on the site; and some of the proposed residential units being only single aspect;
(d) the suitability of the site for residential use, having regard to its location within various railway lines;
(e) the current and the proposed employment numbers on the site;
(f) flood risk assessment and drainage arrangements;
(g) the provision of only one access point and the lack of an additional access point for pedestrians;
(h) access and safety for pedestrians, including lighting provision; and the public transport accessibility of the site;
(i) access arrangements for vehicles including the signalled access under the railway bridge near the entrance to the site; and the proposed “kiss and ride” facility, including arrangements for turning round within the site;
(j) access for emergency vehicles and other large vehicles such as refuse lorries; and vehicle access within the site, including arrangements for servicing the proposed business premises; 
(k) the proposed level of car parking provision; and
(l) the impact of traffic generated by the proposals on the local road network.

3. Approval Motion - Proposal A (ref. 14/P4287)- It was moved and seconded that permission be granted.  The motion was carried by 4 votes to 2 (Councillors Ross Garrod and Daniel Holden dissenting; and Councillors David Dean and Peter Southgate not voting due to their late arrival).

3.1 Approval Motion - Proposal B (ref. 14/P4288)- It was moved and seconded that permission be granted.  The motion was carried by 5 votes to 1 (Councillor David Dean dissenting).

Decision: Item 5(A) - ref. 14/P4287 (Rainbow Industrial Estate, Approach Road, Grand Drive, Raynes Park, SW20 0JY)

Proposal A: GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to any direction from the Mayor of London, planning conditions and a S106 legal agreement, and the tabled modifications sheet.

Decision: Item 5(B) - ref. 14/P4288 (Rainbow Industrial Estate, Approach Road, Grand Drive, Raynes Park, SW20 0JY)

Proposal B: GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to any direction from the Mayor of London and planning conditions, and the tabled modifications sheet..

Supporting documents: