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Agenda item

CCTV Update


Chris Lee introduced the report and explained that there had been investment in infrastructure and that the council had been looking at connectivity and potential financial savings.  Across the 4 key areas in the action plan, significant progress has been made. This work has been supported by a consultant and £600,000 capital funding has been allocated to CCTV investment. This would involve investing in recording and monitoring equipment. This is out to tender at present.


Chris Lee added that these changes would establish a better and more reliable maintenance regime and connectivity, securing better value for money. The Manager post for the CCTV would also be filled shortly.  Furthermore there has been effective partnership working between the parking team and police and better performance management data to inform where the service needs to focus. The Action Plan within the agenda resulted from a successful audit of the CCTV service which is showing progress.


A Member asked if CCTV was only in the locations shown in the report. Chris Lee explained that some sites not listed do have CCTV but that they are sites that are monitored by other organisations and not networked to the Council system.  Chris Lee added that the contract between CHMP and the council for CCTV had not been cancelled by CHMP. CHMP have so far decided to stay within the contract and have their sites monitored via the Council control room and that if they choose to withdraw then CHMP would be solely responsible for monitoring CCTV locally on site and would lose connectivity with the council and its relationship with the police.


A Member asked if all CCTV was on the council’s network. Chris Lee explained that the cameras are linked via the councils CCTV centre. The council are seeking to link other camera systems, generate income and increase community safety.


A Member asked what covert CCTV was in place and how its use was prioritized. Chris Lee responded that only 3 pieces of redeployable CCTV equipment were owned by the council and used by the environmental enforcement team. Chris Lee added that he would be happy to look into this further.


The Chair asked if this would entail acquiring more units. Chris Lee explained that 3 units had just been procured and that the CCTV Steering Group, attended by the Police, would look at whether more covert CCTV was needed.


A Member asked about low staffing numbers for the CCTV Centre.


John Hill explained that the council are managing sickness and absenteeism and that the new managerial post in the team will manage shift patterns, staff coverage and technical issues.


John Hill added that looking to downsize the number of CCTV mobile units will take place. Paul Walshe explained that the deregulation of CCTV vehicles has affected what can be enforced.


John Hill asked the Commission to record his and the Director of E&R’s thanks to Claire Cuffie who has managed the CCTV team through its transition period during the last 18 months. Claire had done this in addition to her substantive role as ASB supervisor. During the period of time when Claire has been managing the CCTV service the team won 4 Metropolitan Police awards for helping to solve crime through the use of public realm CCTV.


RESOLVED:  Commission notes the report. 


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