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Agenda item

Call In - Tariff changes to the On Street Pay and Display Parking Machines


Panel considered the call in of the delegated officer decision taken on the tariff changes to on street pay and display parking machines on 18 February 2015. The cost to implement these changes would be £40,000 and take 6-8 weeks to implement. Susanne Grocott outlined the reasons for the call in.  These were:


·         Higher costs for residents;

·         Alternatives presented but not given any evidence to support this choice and the final tariffs determined;

·         The financial implications of updating all machines over 3 years;

·         Lack of consideration of impact on residents;

·         20 minutes free parking should be borough wide; and

·         Increments are not clear.


Councillor Najeeb Latif who spoke on behalf of Wimbledon Village Business Association discussed his concerns regarding the decision taken on parking tariffs and the impact on local, smaller businesses. In particular, how new charges might impact on footfall in smaller shops in Wimbledon Village. He added that local businesses rely on having a fair parking system and tariff to enable shoppers to come to the area. The WVBA would like an extension to the hours of parking allowed, a clearer and standard parking tariff borough wide and cashless parking payment systems to be implemented sooner.


Councillor Judy Saunders explained that cashless parking systems had been introduced in certain car parks and would be rolled out further in the year ahead. Furthermore, 20 minutes of free parking would be rolled out further in future. The new tariff is linear and therefore an improved system as customers simply pay for the time they park. There has been no significant increase in parking charges since 2011 and the agreed income that will be generated under this new structure has been agreed by full council.


Chris Lee added that this decision was taken further to the town centre parking survey and the outcomes. The issues that emerged from the scrutiny review of parking have been addressed through this new structure. However a reduction in parking charges was not recommended or agreed. The decision taken aims to increase parking charges, in line with the decision of Council ,whilst simplifying a complex tariff structure. The new tariffs are fair and reasonable charges for parking. Lower charges do not necessarily mean that it is better for businesses. 20 minutes free parking is usually sufficient as it helps to increase turnover, which in turn helps businesses.


Chris Lee explained that across the range of pay and display sites, each with a different turnover, the council generates less income per annum over the next 3 years than the 10% increase that was agreed. The council have also been working with WVBA to increase parking and the number of bays available. The new tariff can also be implemented alongside the cashless parking charges this year.


Councillor David Dean asked when the decision had been taken to raise prices. Chris Lee confirmed that this was a full council decision taken as part of budget setting on 5th March 2014.


Councillor John Sargeant queried the additional pricing within the report that was not available when the Panel had undertaken pre decision scrutiny of the town centre parking survey outcomes and action plan.


Councillor Abigail Jones asked how the tariff compared with the cost of parking in town centre car parks. Paul Walshe explained that town centre car parks are cheaper than Wimbledon town centre on street charges.


Councillor Abdul Latif asked how a decision was taken that 20 minutes free parking was sufficient. Councillor Judy Saunders explained that the decision was agreed at scrutiny and by all political groups.


Councillor David Dean stated that the Panel needed some assurance that 20 minutes free parking is implemented across the borough.


Chris Lee explained that he doesn’t have the authority to roll out 20 minutes of free parking across the whole borough, only at agreed neighbourhood shopping parades.


Councillor John Sargeant added that the Panel needed to have sight of the proposals to roll out 20 minutes of free parking ahead of the decision being taken.


RESOLVED: Panel agreed that the decision should go ahead and be implemented as agreed.


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