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Agenda item

Progress Update - Action Plan (Climate Change and Green Deal Task Group)




As Member Champion, Councillor James Holmes provided the Panel with an update on progress with delivery of the action plan resulting from the task group review of climate change and the green deal.


Councillor James Holmes explained to the Panel that he had recently met with Tara Butler (Future Merton) to discuss progress and any barriers to delivery, outlining which recommendations have been successfully taken forward or implemented.  Councillor James Holmes acknowledged the interdependency of certain recommendations taking place in a chronological order before, for example, the ESCO model could be fully established.


Councillor James Holmes reported that difficulty had arisen in securing legal advice to move towards the ESCO model. Therefore the implementation of a number of recommendations had been delayed. Councillor James Holmes explained that there was reduced capacity within the Future Merton team also to deliver the action plan.


James McGinlay added that funding had been received from the Department for Energy and Climate Change and a brief developed for release in Spring 2015, as well the installation of solar PV on school buildings,  which provides a quarter of the energy required by schools.  Merton is also ranked 8th across London for energy efficiency in schools and the roll out of Solar PV.  £200,000 has also been secured for further activities relating to the Green Deal and is targeted at advising businesses on energy efficiency.


James McGinlay explained that the council are working with Merton Chamber of Commerce and also with local schools to raise awareness of energy efficiency measures. Councillor Andrew Judge explained that preliminary conversations had been held with climate change officers at the GLA and that there is potential for district heat networks to be established through the regeneration of the High Path Estate. In addition, Sutton Council has established an ESCO and there may be opportunities to work in partnership if this is felt to be beneficial for both parties. There are also opportunities in Pollards Hill through the refurbishment of properties by Moat and in Figges Marsh by CHMP.


Councillor Imran Uddin asked if any discussions had taken place with Sutton Council yet on their ESCO model. James McGinlay explained that officers met with their counterparts in Sutton Council recently and a mechanism and business case would need to be considered in terms of the benefits of working in partnership. It is also important to note that Sutton have established an ESCO but that this is not yet fully up and running. Therefore discussions are in the early stages and Merton needs to develop a business case for an ESCO.


Councillor Russell Makin proposed that officers seek further advice from officers at Peterborough Council who the task group engaged during their review.


Councillor James Holmes urged officers to keep this on the agenda and that the Panel keep a watching brief on developments.


 RESOLVED:  Panel requested that an update be received every 6 months on delivery of the action plan.



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