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Agenda item

Adult Skills and Employability Task Group - Progress Update




Sara Williams introduced the report and provided an update on key actions within the action plan, resulting from the agreed recommendations of the task group review of adult skills and employability undertaken by the Panel as part of its 2013/14 work programme.


Sara Williams explained that on recommendation 3, there was recognition by the department that further work needed to be undertaken on this. Responsibility for building in opportunities to secure apprenticeships through the tendering process would need to be discussed with the procurement team. In addition, the Flexible Support Fund Bid was proposed as part of the recommendation, however, this was to be submitted as a revised application to respond to the changes in criteria and that the funding sought would be higher than originally planned.


Sara Williams informed the Panel that recommendation 8 was progressing and that the Merton Partnership conference was being held on 20th November 2014 which would focus on growth and would involve a discussion regarding inward investment and branding of SW19. A workshop was also due to be held on the delivery of the inward investment strategy in November 2014.


James McGinlay added that, in relation to recommendation 3, Future Merton are working with colleagues in procurement but that formal discussion with that team would need to be held before the arrangements could be agreed.


Caroline Holland added that, with responsibility for corporate procurement, she would ensure that this was raised with the procurement team at their next meeting and discuss where templates could be amended to include this requirement.


Councillor David Dean asked why more funding was not being sought from ESF funds. Sara Williams explained that significant funds could be applied for from this fund but, given that the team are quite small, there is a need to be realistic about what can be delivered. James McGinlay added that the prospectus for ESF and RDF funding was recently published by the GLA and an application for larger sums of money could be made on initiatives that might be jointly delivered by neighbouring authorities. This can be explored by Future Merton to determine if there is merit in approaching other authorities to work together on mutually beneficial projects.


Councillor David Dean added that we should seek to make bolder applications for funding where they can be delivered and also asked if up skilling residents was undertaken with the aim of simply ensuring they secure employment, or to enable them to progress or realise higher salaries. James McGinlay confirmed that the economic development strategy aimed to ensure higher value jobs and also increase the skills base of those on lower wages or in long term unemployment.


Yvonne Tomlin added that with regard to the action plan, the service has continued to develop its commercial arm. MAE has promoted use of the Wimbledon site, particularly with Wimbledon Tech being based at that library. Income is generated from room rentals in the library and whilst commercial aspects have not developed as speedily as the council would like, there has been an increase in promotion of and securing room lettings at present. The service is over target by £13,000 on rentals.


Yvonne Tomlin explained that the ABE qualification suite attracts more overseas students and that there was a test run in the latest prospectus on expanding provision and the range and level of qualifications and courses on offer.  However, there have been low enrolment numbers this year and the service is looking at revamping its marketing. A meeting was also held with Kingston regarding partnership working and franchising some of the higher level courses that are delivered. Whilst looking at how to work up links with key partners is important, this is on hold whilst the Cabinet consider the options appraisal of MAE and how the service might function going forward. This will also impact on what commercial options are pursued.


Yvonne Tomlin informed the Panel that other work to deliver on the recommendations included a bid to the Department for Work and Pensions and Job Centre Plus to pilot a scheme in Mitcham Job Centre. This is a pop up arrangement that provides support to job seekers on job search and interview skills.


Councillor Abigail Jones asked if apprenticeships were available for people of all ages and if older people were taking up apprenticeships. Sara Williams explained that the Take1 initiative provided apprenticeship opportunities for individuals up to the age of 24. The figure presented in the updated action plan reflects this scheme. There are also other initiatives being overseen by the Economic Wellbeing Group. Long term unemployed and carers often need to be up skilled and there is work underway to address this. In addition, a new action plan has been prepared for the next 2 years which will support the long term unemployed.


RESOLVED: Panel noted the update and requested that further updates be provided to the Panel every 6 months on delivery of the action plan. 


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