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Agenda item

Morden Leisure Centre - Update


Christine Parsloe introduced the report which outlined the first decisions that Cabinet had been asked to take on 10 November 2014 which were all agreed at that meeting. The roll out of the project for Morden Leisure Centre is at the early stages of development, Christine Parsloe asked what involvement scrutiny would like in this process.


Councillor Ross Garrod stated that he was happy with the development and that Cabinet had accepted a two site solution and asked what the existing site would be used for when the development was complete. He also asked if this site could be utilised for affordable housing.


Christine Parsloe explained that this was not possible on this site for planning reasons. This site is defined as metropolitan open land and it is required to be returned back to open public space upon completion of the project. The Friends of Morden Park Playing Field expressed its interest in being involved in the restoration of the site to its historic features.


Councillor John Sargeant asked if the costs of returning this site to its original state were planned into the capital costs for the project and if the funds for this work had been ring fenced. He added that the council should work closely with the Community Trust in this process and consult residents in the area.


Christine Parsloe explained that the cost of the reinstatement of this land was accounted for within the project budget. This fund will be ring fenced to enable the developer to do so and the costs of demolition are included in the £11 million budget for the project. Christine Parsloe added that the council are in discussion with the Community Trust but that wider agendas would need to be managed so as not to impact negatively on the project scope, timescales and budget.

Councillor Russell Makin asked about the two site solution and when a decision would be taken on the actual site for the leisure centre. Christine Parsloe informed the Panel that site surveys would be undertaken in due course and that some surveys were already underway. The fact that only two sites have been prioritised means that the cost of these surveys is reduced and the findings can then be discussed with developers.


Councillor Janice Howard asked if flexibility had been built into the project as the funds allocated to the project may not be sufficient as the development progresses or if issues arise that need to be responded to. In addition, if an additional stage would be put in place within the project to negotiate on the features within the leisure centre that were requested by residents, if funding allowed at that stage.


Christine Parsloe informed the Panel that the council would be seeking external funding and is in conversation with Sport England as there is an understanding that a leisure centre needs to be built for the future. Flexibility will be built into the development to ensure that future expansion and customer requirements of the leisure industry can be considered.


Councillor Nick Draper added that the department will monitor the budgets for delivery of the project and ensure it is delivered to agreed timescales. There is a possible role for scrutiny in this process. The development is also an invest to save initiative as well as a response to customer need and scrutiny may wish to maintain an overview of the project to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.


Councillor David Dean asked what the lifespan of the leisure centre building would be.  Christine Parsloe confirmed that the lifespan was estimated to be 50 years. Modern solutions are being used when building commences on the centre which will ensure significant improvements in quality and greater efficiency of materials. 


Councillor David Dean asked if extended opening hours could be offered at the new centre. Christine Parsloe explained that this was not part of the agreed leisure centre contract that has been in place with GLL since 2010. The service will have sufficient opening times to meet demand.


Councillor Andrew Judge explained that remediating the land on the existing site will be a condition of planning for the development and that the council will be working closely with the Community Trust to fulfil its wishes.


Councillor Imran Uddin proposed that the regeneration of the site may be a particular avenue for scrutiny to focus on when negotiations are at a more advanced stage.


Councillor David Dean noted that there had not been an opportunity for pre decision scrutiny of the project at this stage but that this would be welcomed in the future where there was an opportunity to do so.


Councillor Russell Makin proposed that the Panel might be involved at the stage of drawing up proposals for the restoration of the existing site, on what is being negotiated with the Community Trust and on what facilities will be offered.


Councillor John Sargeant stated that the development of the leisure centre and the negotiations with the Community Trust could not be expected to run in parallel.


Councillor David Dean added that the quality and aesthetics of the building were key to its use and to being a building that the area can be proud of in the future.


RESOLVED: Panel noted the report and asked that an update on progress with delivery of the project be brought to the Panel every 6 months and that the project plan should be shared with the Panel as part of this update, highlighting any opportunities for pre decision scrutiny.


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