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Agenda item

Repairs and Maintenance Programme


The presentation given by Mark Anderson (CHMP) is available on the council’s website. The presentation covered:


·         Repairs and maintenance undertaken since the housing stock transfer;

·         Objectives of the service;

·         Achievements;

·         Challenges going forward; and

·         Investment in the service


Councillor Tobin Byers asked if interest in the regeneration programme at High Path Estate was linked to resident’s experience of the repairs programme, especially if this was negative. Furthermore, if surveyors are visiting properties but work is not completed then what percentage of work is undertaken based on these visits. Mark Anderson confirmed that he had heard that resident’s have had many visits from different surveyors. CHMP needs to plan so that one survey covering a number of aspects is covered in one visit. In terms of day to day response to repairs, one of the downsides has been around staff retention given where the team is located and other places offering a higher rate of pay. A fixed stable team is currently in place and hopes are that they will become permanent.

Councillor Ross Garrod asked if the staffing structure for repairs was working as the team were accountable to the regional manager and the rest of the operation was accountable to the managing director in Morden. How many Housing Associations have this set up and how well is it working.

Mark Anderson explained that as the regional director for property service repairs he spent 3 days a week in Morden and was closely involved and that there was a customer service centre in operation under Wayne Hainsworth.  There is daily dialogue between the two posts. However, going forward they will consider the effectiveness of the structure.

Councillor Ross Garrod added that communication seemed to be a problem between teams and with stakeholders and that perhaps there was a disjointed approach to resolving issues. Mark Anderson agreed that historically it has been disjointed but that changes have been made to address this.

Councillor John Sargeant asked about staff retention and performance and average length of service. Furthermore, what processes had been adopted to ensure that issues are not missed?

Councillor John Sargeant also asked for an update on allegations about Keep Moat in the local press. Mark Anderson stated that they had reviewed processes and staff performance and that previous communication issues have been acknowledged and dealt with. However, the focus of the team has always been on supporting the customer and less on the team responsible.

Mark Anderson added that there was an investigation underway regarding Keep Moat and informed the Panel that there is an independent audit every 6 months on the contract. This issue is being dealt with by the Executive Director of Governance. The results from the audit should be available to the CHMP Board shortly.

Councillor Stan Anderson asked if homeowners could go to other providers for repairs and maintenance. Mark Anderson explained that repairs relate to a common part of the building and that they encourage repairs to be requested through them as the main provider.

Councillor Stan Anderson asked if there was a price issue and if going elsewhere and getting it cheaper was the driver for residents. Mark Anderson explained that this was discouraged as there could be issues with warranty, quality of materials etc. CHMP has the responsibility for repairs and also for keeping a check on what repairs are being undertaken which would be difficult if other providers were involved.

Councillor Janice Howard explained that residents were still not happy and expressed her concerns about Keep Moat. Mark Anderson clarified that they were aware that 15% of residents were not satisfied and that this needed to be addressed.

Councillor Dennis Pearce asked about repairs and independent assessments being made on flats for planned maintenance and why there are no independent assessments undertaken which can then be shared with residents so that they know what they are paying for. Councillor Dennis Pearce also asked how the decent homes figures were calculated as residents are referred to the council to seek funding for new kitchens etc. via occupational therapy. How is this justified, shouldn’t CHMP be funding this?

Mark Anderson explained that legislation does not require that an independent survey be carried out. However, CHMP have engaged an external consultant to review all works identified and a report will be produced and discussed with residents. The scoping is undertaken in advance of the next financial year and works are carried out in the subsequent year.

With regard to adaptations, CHMP has the right to engage Occupational Therapists when people have disabilities. It was confirmed that adaptations were not funded by the council.  All maintenance and repairs are funded by CHMP. In terms of the decent homes standards, a survey was undertaken pre transfer which stood at 76% of homes were classed as non-decent and this figure has since increased.

Councillor Abdul Latif asked about density and size of rooms in new properties and what consultation will be invited on this. Paul Quinn explained that there will be a range of types of housing and also on size and height. These will meet the London Space Standards. There will be a higher density required but not beyond the size/scale of the tower blocks we currently have.  

RESOLVED: Panel noted the presentation.