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Agenda item

Regeneration Programme


The presentation given by Paul Quinn (CHMP) is available on the council’s website. The presentation covered:


·         Rationale for the programme;

·         Scale of the project;

·         Consultation and engagement undertaken; and

·         Next steps


Councillor Stan Anderson asked where residents were placed while regeneration works were underway and if residents had a right to return to their properties once complete. Paul Quinn explained that there are a number of options available to CHMP in how they handle this process. One option could be to build homes first on empty land which would allow people to move in and then free up other buildings to regenerate the remaining stock. CHMP are also looking to acquire sites near estates to build homes ahead of the regeneration scheme and have held discussions with council officers on this. This means some homes would be available for people to live in during this time on the estates, or as close as possible to these estates. He added that the right to return is reflected in the regeneration master plan, which is in its first drafting stage, and takes account of peoples housing needs. CHMP would encourage resident’s right to return.

Councillor David Dean asked what the discrepancy was between cabinet, CHMP and residents about the types of homes they wanted as part of the scheme resulting from the consultation undertaken, in particular with regard to density. Councillor David Dean asked if we would see something other than tower blocks and a design that would look relevant in the future in the plan. Paul Quinn explained that planning would take place based on what they think is the right mix of properties and also in response to consultation outcomes. Density will be considered as part of the master planning.

Councillor Russell Makin asked CHMP to ensure that they consulted the group leaders on the master plan when available.

Councillor Janice Howard asked about the staged offer of market value plus 10% being offered to any residents that wish to leave sooner. How confident are you that you have the funds for all that may wish to take this option. In addition, if residents move out and they are offered right to return, will the cost be the same value CHMP paid to them when they moved out ahead of the regeneration scheme. Paul Quinn explained that the additional 10% is to reflect that their lives are going to be disturbed with the work being undertaken but if they leave early then this will not be the case. With regard to buy back, when properties come to the market, the values of peoples existing homes will have increased and therefore will be valued at that time. If people wanted to buy back and the price of the property was higher then CHMP would provide shared equity options. Options will be explored with homeowners as part of the consultation programme to support residents to buy and remain in their homes. Workshops will be run on this during the winter.

Councillor Janice Howard added that there is still an underlying concern that when residents do buy back it will only be 80% of the property they previously owned outright.

Councillor Tobin Byers asked if all three schemes were financially dependent on one another and if they needed to come forward at the same time. Councillor Tobin Byers also asked how CHMP would make a decision to proceed. Paul Quinn explained that High Path estate was key to the regeneration and that developing East fields and Ravensbury on their own was not a viable option.

Paul Quinn explained that CHMP were seeking resident’s views to get an indication of how people are reacting to various types of homes that could be built and on the financial offer. CHMP have also taken residents to other sites where regeneration was underway to show them that it is not as disruptive as they might imagine. 

Councillor Russell Makin asked if the regeneration on all three sites would be carried out over 10 years. Paul Quinn confirmed this.

Councillor Ross Garrod said that residents didn’t feel like they were being heard as part of the current consultation and asked for more detail on the consultation process planned for autumn/winter.  Paul Quinn confirmed that a range of consultation methods and approaches would be employed as part of the consultation programme. In addition, despite careful design residents can feel that they are not being heard.

Councillor Ross Garrod expressed his concerns with when this consultation was being undertaken and how this might impact on the response rate. Paul Quinn confirmed that CHMP regeneration team would be going door to door and producing written materials on the master plan, house types etc. Paul Quinn added that they will be engaging with hard to reach groups also and testing out their offer as part of the workshops mentioned earlier.

Councillor Ross Garrod asked what the percentage contact rate was for this consultation programme. Paul Quinn explained that previous consultation campaigns have engaged 80% of residents. Also there have been lots of consultation events during summer and active residents groups have been keen to share ideas and participate so far.

Councillor John Sargeant stated residents associations don’t feel this consultation has been as robust as it could be or that many have been engaged in the events run by CHMP during the summer. In addition, he asked if the survey Merton Council was undertaking would cut across that being undertaken by CHMP. Paul Quinn confirmed that CHMP had held more events with experts and met with customers on a number of occasions to seek their feedback during the summer and that there had been a good turnout. Yet there have been no plans to be able to share with residents until this stage which will now be consulted on. Furthermore, Paul Quinn explained that there wasn’t an overlap as the local authority was consulting on the planning framework which CHMP planning applications will be considered against, at that stage.

Councillor John Sargeant asked about finance and selling back homes to existing residents and what impact this might have on resident’s ability to return to their homes. Paul Quinn confirmed that the sale values for properties would be determined at a much later date and were not known as yet. But that CHMP would produce a scheme that was as equitable and fair as possible. The aim was ultimately to offer a better quality of home to residents.

RESOLVED: Panel noted the presentation and asked that they be consulted on future developments in the regeneration programme.