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Agenda item

Open Forum


Peter Walker asked for an update on the street names motion presented to Council in 2023. Kris Witherington said he had been advised by colleagues that they have been reviewing the options for displaying the information but due to the pre-election period an update will be provided in mid-May on a proposed way forward. Peter suggested the Forum remind the Council of the motion from the Forum and the obligation to resolve this issue and this was supported by attendees.


A resident asked Dundonald Rec tennis courts still closed. This will be raised with the Green Spaces team for an update.


A resident asked about Abbey Recreation Ground where the tennis courts have been locked off and a large area of the park is fenced off. Cllr Braithwaite said that the tennis courts are free but need to be booked when you will be given a code to access them. The Rutlish Foundation own a large area of the land and they had insisted area was fenced off by London Borough of Merton.  


A resident asked about the litter bins Dundonald Rec which are not fit for purpose. Kris Witherington said that there is a replacement programme for bins and the Dundonald Rec ones are due to be replaced in coming months


David Hall from Wimbledon Community Association said they had recently recruited a new web administrator so plan to expand their online offer.


A resident suggested that at future meetings we should invite Resident Associations and Wimbledon Society to speak about their work.


Cllr Kohler said that no decision will be made on the AELTC planning application until after the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. Any decision could then still be called in by the Secretary of State. Cllr Kohler said the changes to the New Local Plan includes a new chapter on Wimbledon Park so residents and local groups can respond by the deadline on 22 March.


A resident raised the issue of public toilet access and Kris said that at the Morden Community Forum residents were told that a new coordinator for the community toilet scheme is going to be recruited and that a feasibility study for a toilet at Morden Station was taking place.


A resident said they felt more action should be taken against cycling on pavements and leaving dockless hire bikes on the pavement. Kris said that details of how to report obstructively parked hire cycles are available on the Council website. The resident said that active travel plans should include walking and cycling, not just focus on cycling.


A resident asked about the process for erecting phone masts. Kris said that if the mast required planning permission then usually letters would be sent to residents nearby and notices would be placed locally.


Peter Walker said he wanted to congratulate the Save Dorset Hall group for getting a blue plaque for suffragette and social campaigner Rose Lamartine Yates. The group had also persuaded the owners, Clarion, to repair the roof. Developers have said the garden will remain open to the park when the building is converted to flats.