Part 4A, paragraph 3.3 of the Constitution states that the business at the Budget Council meeting shall include the following:
· receive a presentation of the Budget/Council Tax report from the relevant officers
· officers to respond to questions from members via the Mayor
· receive remarks from the Cabinet on the report
· Council to debate the report and take any motions or Amendments
In accordance with Part 4A, paragraph 10.4 of the Constitution, all decisions relating to either the substantive budget motion/proposal or any amendments to it, will be taken via a recorded vote (roll call).
The Mayor opened the meeting and spoke outlined the procedure for the Budget section of the meeting. They also reminded the Council that all budget related decisions, including proposed amendments were required to be recorded within the minutes with a list of the names of those who voted for or against the decision or who abstained from voting and a roll call vote would be taken for the substantive budget motion and any amendments to it.
At the invitation of the Mayor, the Executive Director Finance and Digital presented the Business Plan 2024-28. The Executive Director then responded to questions from Councillors Neaverson, Hicks, Akyigyina, Paterson, Skeete, Bokhari, Pearce, Austin, Henry, MacArthur and Kaweesa.
The Leader of the Council presented the Business Plan 2024-28 and moved the recommendations in the report whilst making his budget speech to Council, a copy of which is appended to the minutes as Appendix A. Councillor Christie formally seconded the recommendations and reserved his right to speak. The Mayor then invited the opposition group leaders in turn to respond to the Budget proposal and the Business Plan. The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Councillor Fairclough addressed the meeting and their speech is attached to the minutes as Appendix B. The Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor McLean addressed the meeting and his speech is attached to the minutes as Appendix C. The Leader of the Merton Park Ward Independent Residents Group, Councillor Foley addressed the meeting and his speech is attached to the minutes as Appendix D.
The following members of the Cabinet addressed the meeting: Councillors Cooper-Marbiah, Judge, Irons, McCabe, Stringer, Fraser, Alambritis and Kenny.
The Mayor then invited members to move proposed amendments to the Business Plan. Councillor Fairclough formally moved the four Liberal Democrat amendments which were formally seconded by Councillor Braithwaite. Councillor McLean formally moved the Conservative amendment and this was formally seconded by Councillor Paterson. Councillor Charles formally moved their amendment submitted as an Independent Member. This was seconded by Councillor Mercer.
The Mayor then opened up the general debate on the proposed amendments and on the proposed substantive Business Plan. The following members spoke in the debate: Councillors Johnston, Flack, Macauley, Cox, Szczepanski, Oliver, Kirby, Holden, Williscroft, McGrath, Dollimore, Charles, Butcher, Hall, Mundy, Barlow, Attawar, Wilson, Hayes, Brunt, Reiss, Akyigyina, Neaverson, Page, Kaweesa, Kohler, Bhim and Christie.
At the conclusion of the debate, Councillor Garrod exercised his right of reply and the Mayor then called for a roll-call vote on the Liberal Democrat amendments to the Business Plan 2024-28. Voting was as follows:
Liberal Democrat Amendment 1
Votes in Favour: Austin, Barlow, Bokhari, Braithwaite, Charles, Cox, Dresselaers, Fairclough, Flack, Foley, Galea, Gould, Hall, Hicks, Holden, Howard, Kohler, MacArthur, McGrath, McLean, Mercer, Oliver, Page, Paterson, Reiss, Willis and Wilson (27)
Votes Against: Akyigyina, Alambritis, Attawar, Bhim, Brunt, Butcher, Christie, Cooper-Marbiah, Dollimore, Fraser, Garrod, Hayes, Henry, Irons, Johnston, Judge, Kaweesa, Kenny, Kirby, Macauley, McCabe, Mundy, Neaverson, Pearce, Skeete, Stringer, Szczepanski, Williscroft, Deputy Mayor Councillor Whelton and the Mayor Councillor Manly (30)
Not Voting (0)
The Mayor declared the amendment to be lost.
Liberal Democrat Amendment 2
Votes in Favour: Bokhari, Braithwaite, Dresselaers, Fairclough, Flack, Foley, Galea, Gould, Hall, Hicks, Kohler, MacArthur, McGrath, Mercer, Oliver, Page, Reiss, Willis and Wilson (19)
Votes Against: Akyigyina, Alambritis, Attawar, Bhim, Brunt, Butcher, Christie, Cooper-Marbiah, Dollimore, Fraser, Garrod, Hayes, Henry, Irons, Johnston, Judge, Kaweesa, Kenny, Kirby, Macauley, McCabe, Mundy, Neaverson, Pearce, Skeete, Stringer, Szczepanski, Williscroft, Deputy Mayor Councillor Whelton and the Mayor Councillor Manly (30)
Not Voting: Councillors Austin, Barlow, Charles, Cox, Holden, Howard, McLean and Paterson (8)
The Mayor declared the amendment to be lost.
Liberal Democrat Amendment 3
Votes in Favour: Austin, Barlow, Bokhari, Braithwaite, Charles, Cox, Dresselaers, Fairclough, Flack, Foley, Galea, Gould, Hall, Hicks, Holden, Howard, Kohler, MacArthur, McGrath, McLean, Mercer, Oliver, Page, Paterson, Reiss, Willis and Wilson (27)
Votes Against: Akyigyina, Alambritis, Attawar, Bhim, Brunt, Butcher, Christie, Cooper-Marbiah, Dollimore, Fraser, Garrod, Hayes, Henry, Irons, Johnston, Judge, Kaweesa, Kenny, Kirby, Macauley, McCabe, Mundy, Neaverson, Pearce, Skeete, Stringer, Szczepanski, Williscroft, Deputy Mayor Councillor Whelton and the Mayor Councillor Manly (30)
Not Voting (0)
The Mayor declared the amendment to be lost.
The Mayor then called for a roll-call vote on the Conservative Amendment to the Business Plan 2024—28. Voting was as follows:
Votes in Favour: Austin, Barlow, Cox, Holden, Howard, McLean and Paterson (7)
Votes Against: Akyigyina, Alambritis, Attawar, Bhim, Brunt, Butcher, Christie, Cooper-Marbiah, Dollimore, Fraser, Garrod, Hayes, Henry, Irons, Johnston, Judge, Kaweesa, Kenny, Kirby, Macauley, McCabe, Mundy, Neaverson, Pearce, Skeete, Stringer, Szczepanski, Williscroft, Deputy Mayor Councillor Whelton and the Mayor Councillor Manly (30)
Not Voting: Bokhari, Braithwaite, Charles, Dresselaers, Fairclough, Flack, Foley, Galea, Gould, Hall, Hicks, Kohler, MacArthur, McGrath, Mercer, Oliver, Page, Reiss, Willis and Wilson (20)
The Mayor declared the amendment to be lost.
The Mayor then called for a roll-call vote on the Independent Amendment to the Business Plan 2024-28. Voting was as follows:
Votes in Favour: Austin, Barlow, Bokhari, Braithwaite, Charles, Cox, Dresselaers, Fairclough, Flack, Galea, Gould, Hall, Hicks, Holden, Howard, Kohler, MacArthur, McGrath, McLean, Mercer, Oliver, Page, Paterson, Reiss, Willis and Wilson (26)
Votes Against: Akyigyina, Alambritis, Attawar, Bhim, Brunt, Butcher, Christie, Cooper-Marbiah, Dollimore, Fraser, Garrod, Hayes, Henry, Irons, Johnston, Judge, Kaweesa, Kenny, Kirby, Macauley, McCabe, Mundy, Neaverson, Pearce, Skeete, Stringer, Szczepanski, Williscroft, Deputy Mayor Councillor Whelton and the Mayor Councillor Manly (30)
Not Voting: Foley (1)
The Mayor declared the amendment to be lost.
The Mayor then called for a roll-call vote on the substantive motion for the Business Plan 2024-28. The voting was as follows:
Votes In Favour: Akyigyina, Alambritis, Attawar, Bhim, Brunt, Butcher, Charles, Christie, Cooper-Marbiah, Dollimore, Foley, Fraser, Garrod, Hayes, Henry, Irons, Johnston, Judge, Kaweesa, Kenny, Kirby, Macauley, McCabe, Mercer, Mundy, Neaverson, Pearce, Skeete, Stringer, Szczepanski, Williscroft, Deputy Mayor Councillor Whelton and the Mayor Councillor Manly (33)
Votes Against: Austin, Barlow, Bokhari, Braithwaite, Cox, Dresselaers, Fairclough, Flack, Galea, Gould, Hall, Hicks, Holden, Howard, Kohler, MacArthur, McGrath, McLean, Oliver, Page, Paterson, Reiss, Willis and Wilson (24)
Not Voting (0)
1. That the Council resolves that, having considered all of the information in this report and noted the positive assurance statement given by the Executive Director, Finance and Digital based on the proposed Council Tax strategy, the maximum Council Tax in 2024/25, equating to a Band D Council Tax of £1,521.98, which is an increase of below 5%, inclusive of 2% Adult Social Care flexibility, be approved
2. That Council resolves that the Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024-28 including the General Fund Budget and Council Tax Strategy for 2024/25, and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2024-28 as submitted, along with the draft Equality Assessments (EAs), be approved;
3. That the Council resolves that, having considered all of the latest information and the comments from the scrutiny process, the Capital Investment Programme (as detailed in Annex 3 to the Capital Strategy); the Treasury Management Strategy, including the detailed recommendations in that Section, incorporating the Prudential Indicators and the Capital Strategy as submitted and reported upon be approved;
4. That Council resolves that the Council’s Strategy for the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts 2022/23, as detailed in page 28-29 of the Capital Strategy be approved.
5. That Council agrees the formal resolutions as set out in Appendix 1 to this report.