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Agenda item

Overview of Services and Key Challenges for Children, Schools and Families Department 2014-15


The Panel received a presentation from the Director of Children, Schools and Families on the department and its priorities. Councillor Maxi Martin and Councillor Martin Whelton both gave an overview of their respective portfolios and their priorities for the year ahead. These included:

·                     Safeguarding children;

·                     School standards;

·                     PFI Schemes and on-going negotiation;

·                     Being inspection ready;

·                     Implementing provisions in the Children and Families Act;

·                     Commissioning and working with the voluntary sector;

·                     Tackling absenteeism;

·                     Secondary School Provision;

·                     Primary school places


The Panel heard that the services provided by the department were heavily regulated and based in statute. The presentation covered the following areas:

·                     Statutory and legal framework;

·                     Budget and staffing structure of the department;

·                     The role of the Children’s Trust and the Merton Safeguarding Children Board;

·                     The Merton Child and Young Person Well Being Model 2013;

·                    The number of children that access the various services provided by the department;

·                     Challenges and priorities in the early years service;

·                     Challenges and priorities in Education;

·                     Challenges and priorities in children’s social care and early intervention;

·                     Challenges and priorities in the youth service;

·                     Key challenges facing CSF


Councillor Katy Neep asked officers to expand on the providers of schools. For example, Trinity High School. Councillor Martin Whelton explained that a proposal had been put forward for a secondary free school at Trinity High School.  by the Chapel St Provider.  In his view the DfE need to provide closer scrutiny of some proposals from well meaning organisations without a track record of success. Furthermore, all stakeholders should be consulted and all schools should be staffed with qualified teachers with  providers having a track record of delivery..

Councillor James Holmes asked about the administrations view of free schools.  Councillor Martin Whelton explained that a motion was agreed by full council in November 2013 and the council has a statutory duty to facilitate applications for a free school albeit that the decision making rests with the secretary of state . The council wants to work with organisations that will provide high quality education. 


Councillor Joan Henry asked what methods were being used to track absentees. Jan Martin explained that most of the work done to tackle absenteeism is done by schools and later by the Education Welfare Team. The number of prosecutions has also increased to enforce attendance issues. But some young people are persistently absent although this is a relatively smaller number and more targeted intervention is undertaken in these cases. A new team is being launched to work with families who have resisted attempts to get children into school. Year 5 primary school children are targeted and this work will start in September. This will involve targeted work with vulnerable cohorts.  Jan Martin agreed that the number of children the team are working with can be reported later in the year but that figures of absenteeism have reduced year on year.


Councillor Katy Neep asked about demographic change and anticipated pressure on services. She asked if heat maps could be provided to look at the potential impact geographically and according to groups. Yvette Stanley explained that a piece of work had been undertaken by the Policy Network which has this information and can be circulated. Some of the impact is not easily predicted, for example, birth rates in the borough are not a reliable indicator of service demand as it is difficult to anticipate how many will move out of the borough.


Councillor Jeff Hanna proposed that demographic information be presented alongside reports when appropriate. This was agreed.


Councillor Linda Taylor asked if better use could be made of ICT across the department and if officers were confident that changes planned would not negatively impact the operation of existing systems. Yvette Stanley added that a range of casework systems were in place. Care First has not been fit for purpose as it uses up a disproportionate amount of practitioner time. The Council is procuring a new system for casework in CSF and adult social care.

This should increase  staff productivity enabling them to spend more time with clients.


Councillor Peter Walker asked what specific programmes the Merton Education Partnership (MEP) were working on and also what jobs would be lost in the year ahead as part of the efficiencies that needed to be made. Jan Martin explained that 10 projects are funded each year by the MEP which will be complete in Autumn this year. A list of the outcomes of the projects can be provided to the Panel then if this is something the Panel wish to see. Further bidding for new applications is underway and a timetable has been agreed with the parameters for applications having been removed. Merton Leaders of Education have been appointed to support other schools and there has been recruitment to address the advanced skills shortage now that these teaching posts have been removed. Primary Expert Teachers are also to be recruited shortly. Jan Martin agreed to bring further information on the Merton Education Partnership alongside the school standards report that the Panel will consider as part of their work programme in February 2014.


Yvette Stanley added that the department will look at services that are substantial but present less risk. It is increasingly difficult for the department to deliver savings with the volume of work in the system, particularly in social care. There is also a reduced commissioning pot  for commissioning in the youth and voluntary sector.


Peter Connellan asked if language support  caused significant additional costs. Yvette Stanley explained that language support  to engage in formal processes was a statutory requirement to enable people to participate in legal processes and access services.


Councillor Linda Taylor asked for information on lagging performance in schools. Yvette Stanley informed the Panel that this was a complex picture which was considered by the school standards committee. Paul Ballatt explained that this information is also provided to the Panel in the update report and is considered by the School Standards Committee.


RESOLVED:  Panel noted the report, agreeing that:


i.                 demographic maps should be provided with future reports where relevant.

              Information on school improvement work undertaken through the Merton Education Partnership should be included in the February School Standards Report.

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