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Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board Rolling Priority 2023/24 – Outline Action Plan


Julia Groom (Consultant in Public Health) and Barry Causer (Public Health Lead for Adults, Health Improvement and Health Protection) introduced the report.

Julia reminded members it was agreed at the last meeting that the board would focus on a whole systems approach for tackling air pollution, tobacco and respiratory disease, as well as look at actions which supported a healthy workplace, particularly around active travel.

There was evidence around the impact of air pollution, tobacco and respiratory health nationally and locally. The report highlighted some of the following evidence:

-       The Chief Medical Officers Annual Report 2022 focussed on evidence of air pollution and acknowledged the improvement of air pollution and air quality as well as solutions to take this further including indoor air quality.

-       Locally, the latest Merton Annual Health Report focussed on the co-benefits of climate action. This was specifically around transport emissions and its direct impact on health conditions, health inequalities with those living in the 20 most deprived neighbourhoods and 20% of the population who were non-white that experienced higher concentrations of air pollution whilst having low car ownership.

-       Over 20% of adults were physically inactive in Merton which highlighted the importance of active travel.

-       The Merton Story gave an overview on the wellbeing and needs of the borough and highlighted that 1 in 7 Merton residents still smoked with a higher number of smokers in the East of the borough compare to the rest.

-       Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Asthma were the main focus when looking at respiratory diseases. 9 out of 10 cases of COPD were linked to smoking and just under 5% of Merton residents are recorded as having asthma, with a higher prevalence in the East of the borough.

-       The mayor has set a target for 80% of travel to be active or sustainable. At present Merton was at 61% of which 30% was walking and only 2% cycling.

-       Merton routinely monitored air quality through its air quality status report, which showed Merton as exceeding government targets. It’s estimated that between 54-100 people in Merton died due to air pollution.

Julia confirmed that the Air Quality Action Plan in Merton would be reviewed and updated shortly but there was a lot of activity taking place around auditing air quality in schools and school streets, expanding electric vehicle charging, working with TfL to roll out ULEZ as well as refreshing the walking and cycling strategy for the borough and developing a curb side strategy.

The NHS Green Plan set out ambitious targets for active travel for staff and patients.

Merton had a tobacco control steering group and a southwest london respiratory group led by the ICB, which had activities taking place around respiratory disease.

It was proposed that the skills, strength and drive of HWBB was used to take a whole systems approach to look at the issues raised together.

Barry Causer outlined the proposal and referred to point 4.3 in the report which highlighted four key themes. These themes were Holistic Support and Pathways, Individual and Community Prevention, Healthy Place and Workforce and Awareness, Learning and Collaboration.

The report detailed options and the potential to work together on the four themes. For Holistic Support and Pathway there was the Love Clean Air Website and air text which when registered, you would receive a text if the air quality in London was poor. Greener inhalers had also been introduced which significantly reduced carbon emissions whilst providing the same drug and dose whilst also being more cost effective.

To address Individual and Community Prevention, which specifically addressed smoking, they were working to have outreach and engagement across the borough to raise awareness of services available within the borough. Vaping was 90% less harmful then smoking and helped people over 18 to stop smoking, but it was important to remember that it was not harmless and not for young people under 18.

Healthy Place and Workforce related to active travel. The council were developing a walking and cycling plan and the Mayor published a Good Work Standard which  asked that every London employer worked towards the scheme.

A pilot was about to start to address schools, air quality and asthma which was an innovative approach to monitoring air quality and provided important research and learning.

For Awareness, Learning and Collaboration the communications team continued to work closely with the community. The combined reach of the organisation within the board to raise awareness would be a priority for the board and it remained important to provide training for frontline staff.


In response to questions, the following was stated:

·         As part of the pilot, the on-street engagement team received Level 1 training in Stop Smoking Advice which allowed effective brief interventions. The pilot had begun and would run until the end of March 2024, with analysis taking place in the new year.

·         A task and finish group were proposed within the papers to ensure there was an ongoing process of feeding back and informing people.


Dan Jon, Director of Environment, Civic Pride and Climate informed the board of the following work which complimented the board.

To support and improve our green infrastructure, mitigate existing emissions and improve air quality, more trees will be planted. There was a plan in place to improve parks and open spaces which helped with CO2 capture and provided spaces for residents to enjoy and get active as part of the borough of sport plan.

More EV charging points would be provided within the borough alongside a commissioned EV charging strategy to help meet the demand in EV cars within the Borough of London.


RESOLVED: That the Board noted the report.


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