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Agenda item

Policing Update


Sgt James Peppitt gave an update on local policing. Sgt Peppitt said that across the borough crimes were down 12% compared to year on year, anti-social behaviour (ASB) was down 9%, violence against women and girls was down 17%. Under changes being made to borough policing there will now be a superintendent for each borough, and the one for Merton one starts this month. The borough will also be getting more PCSOs so should not be carrying many vacancies across the Safer Neighbourhood Teams.


Sgt Peppitt said that the teams were working on a new Confidence plan and have found that residents often do not know what Ward teams are doing so improving communications is an important element. For example, all officers are being encouraged to use social media and they are working on improving ward panels as they currently have small reach. This will include offering virtual participation. They are also introducing positive activity operations such as leaflet drops and meeting up with residents.


They are also providing more training for officers, for example on catalytic convertor marking. There have been issues in town centre ASB on street drinking and aggressive begging and arrests have been made. The teams also supported an operation by the robbery team to execute warrants and have been executing warrants related to drug dealing and burglary during night shifts. Local teams also stopped plans for a large group of young people to meet up on Wimbledon Common.


Cllr McGrath said that London Assembly Members had asked the Commissioner about closing police stations and Commissioner said he is still reviewing options but committed to plan to have officers 20-minute walk away.


A resident asked how they could find the virtual ward surveys and Sgt Peppitt said these would usually be promoted on Twitter, Nextdoor, through leafleting, and e-mails to database. Another resident asked what the results were and Sgt Peppitt said the teams were working out how best to feedback to residents but will be sharing them with their mailing lists. 


A resident asked about some problems in South Park Gardens with young people getting over fence after the park has closed and leaving broken glass behind. Sgt Peppitt said the team was aware of this issue and often will cover in late turn patrols.


A resident asked about drinking in town centre and if this is this feedback to Merton Council. Sgt Peppitt said that there is a Street Drinkers Working Group with monthly meetings involving the police, the council and other services. Craig Hurring from Love Wimbledon also said they have a monthly meeting with licensees to go through CCTV footage and share information.


Cllr Stringer said that the Council’s Cabinet has agreed to become a fully responsible drinking borough, with a Public Space Protection Order extended borough wide. This gives the police additional powers to enforce ASB associated with street drinking. The Council is also leading on dedicated work with the most extreme drinking issues, targeting 20 most prolific drinkers with a multi-agency approach.