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Agenda item

Police Update


Sgt Jeff New from Cannon Hill and Lower Morden and PC Shaun Matthew from Merton Park Safer Neighbourhood Team gave an update on local policing issues. All officers are now working out of Mitcham Police Station and still waiting to hear which stations in Merton will be retained.  Neighbourhood policing is a priority for new Commissioner, Mark Rowley. All SNTs have Ward Panels, made up of residents who help set local priorities. All the teams have regular drop-in surgeries and an online presence. Residents can contact their local SNT to be kept informed about local events. 


Cannon Hill SNT has three priorities: reduction of anti-social behaviour (ASB) on open spaces; reduction of vehicle crime including theft of catalytic convertors; and reduction in burglary.

Current crime statistics are low and consistent with last year.


Lower Morden’s priorities are ASB especially in Morden Park; reduction of vehicle crime; and reduction in speeding. In response the team has been carrying speed watches across the ward. Crime statistics are similarly low and consistent with last year.


Burglaries have involved daytime entry from the rear of the property and night-time thefts from sheds, especially bikes. For vehicle theft offenders are able to duplicate keyless entry and move vehicles across the country or ship overseas. The teams have been giving crime prevention advice on theft of and from motor vehicles including giving out Faraday pouches and property marking catalytic convertors. They have also recommended installing steering locks and Cat Clamps which cost around £100. In the last year three men have received custodial sentences for theft from motor vehicles.


Merton Park’s priorities are robbery and violence in Morden town centre; ASB in open spaces; burglary; speeding; and creating and visible police presence.


Ravensbury’s priorities are robbery and violence in Morden town centre; ASB in open spaces; burglary; and speeding, mainly on Bishopford Road, St Helier Avenue and Middleton Road.


In response the teams are patrolling more in the evening and in parks, and burglary hot spots. The teams are providing prevention advice in hotspots and holding speed watch events. There was a rise in crime over the last 12 months compared to the previous year.


A resident asked what the plan is to restore confidence in the Met Police. PC Matthew said the Commissioner has opened new department and hotline for reporting corrupt officers. There has also been improved vetting, clamping down on these issues. Sgt New said there is a review into culture under Dame Casey is due to report in the next few weeks.

Commissioner Rowley has published a nine-point plan to rebuild confidence called the Turnaround Plan. Rebuilding confidence will not be easy and will take time.


Cllr Dollimore asked what can be done to prevent catalytic converter theft and catch culprits. Cllr Dollimore also wanted to remind residents that home safety inspections by London Fire Brigade were available to book.  Sgt New said this difficult due to the value of the items, marking helps prevent resale but clamps are effective in preventing the theft. It can also help to park close to a wall and advice is available from the Met Police. Catching offenders is difficult and requires a lot of coordination with response teams.


Cllr Cox asked what advice could be given to residents to help prevent burglaries involving entry from the rear. Sgt New said measures which can prevent rear access are helpful, like fencing or gates over shared alleyways. The local SNT can make a crime prevention visit to advise residents. Cllr McLean said the Alley gates scheme is worth highlighting to help prevent burglaries


Cllr Cox asked about plans to tackle violence against women and girls. Sgt New said all wards have a violence or ASB priority, and tackling violence is a priority for the Met as a whole, including crimes targeting women. Incidents in Morden are rare, there was an incident in Stonecot Hill in January resulting in an arrest and some incidents of exposure in Morden Hall Park also resulting in arrest. The team is taking part in a Walk and Talk for women and it is possible to report issues via the Met website.


Cllr Charles asked about tackling graffiti. There is a ‘Nasty J’ tag in Lower Morden, and the SNT is working with Merton Council to identify who is responsible and then will pursue criminal charges. Cllr Kenny said that graffiti is usually dealt with quickly by Merton Council.