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Agenda item

Open forum

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A resident asked if there was any update at St Helier Hospital and the plans for the Belmont hospital. Cllr Charles shared a statement from Merton Council:


The council remain deeply concerned that the decision to relocate services from the current site at St Helier to the site in Belmont will reduce access to essential health provision for residents of the borough, particularly those in the East of the borough. With the developing cost of living crisis and the impact this will have on household finances, the potential future impact of travel costs to get to the new site only increases this concern.

The cabinet, since very early in the life of the new administration been seeking answers from the senior leadership of the new Integrated Care Board as well as from the Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust, both on whether there is an opportunity to further review previous decisions and whether the proposed new hospital remains affordable.

There has been much speculation in the media about whether the New Hospital Programme is properly funded, and the council will continue to press hard for clarity on this point. We will also continue to stress the need for an alternative plan that protects and enhances the buildings and services at the current St Helier site so that should, as appears increasingly likely, the national New Hospital Programme be delayed or discontinued there is a plan B in place that ensures our residents can continue to access the high-quality services they have a right to expect from the NHS.

Cllr Alambritis said residents in Merton could still object to any planning application for a new facility in Belmont.


Pippa Maslin (caseworker) and Estifanos Habtesellasie (Trustee and Vice Chair) from Merton Centre for Independent Living highlighted the work of the organisation. A Deaf and Disabled People's Organisation’s model means that services are run by deaf and disabled people for deaf and disabled people. There is an important role to play in supporting deaf and disabled people to live independently. COVID had a significant impact on disabled people and this is still ongoing. They have three main areas of work: providing information/advice; challenging discrimination; and achieving change locally.


They have five caseworkers for the information/advice service. Councillors can signpost deaf and disabled people and residents can contact MCIL themselves. Caseworkers help service users with a raft of issues, from benefits applications to Care Act Assessments (which include a financial assessment), and from concessionary travel applications to housing problems (like unsuitable accommodation due to lack of accessible housing).


MCIL have received extra funding from Civic Pride fund for their information/advice service. They are also piloting an advocacy service. MCIL have met with the developers of Centre Court to discuss their plans and accessibility. They are also trying to build a productive relationship with Merton Council on a range of issues and are working with other disability groups to challenge national policy. MCIL hosts a monthly craftivism and chat session (craft + activism = craftivism). MCIL is working on a strategic review. There is the potential to work with young people in the future.


A resident said that his son had benefited enormously from the support from one of the caseworkers, and that he hopes that MCIL finds funding for Hate Crime casework again.


A resident said he was hiring a hall to do a presentation on the consultation and anyone wishing attend can contact him through Kris Witherington.


A resident said she had been impressed by the response from the Adult Social Care team to an emergency situation and was grateful for the support they provided.