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Agenda item

Wimbledon Park


Christopher Coombe from the Wimbledon Society gave a presentation on the future of Wimbledon Park. The presentation is attached to this report. Christopher said the community was proud of Wimbledon and hosting the tennis.


The proposed development will treble the size of the AELTC complex and double the number of courts. This is on Metropolitan Open land and in a Grade 2* listed park and in divided ownership. The proposal includes a covered stadium, 38 other tennis courts, industrial and maintenance chambers, player hubs and 9km of roads and paths. There would not be any further entries into championship so it would still be two weeks long plus four days of qualifiers. There have been three separate applications over 18 months.


Christopher said that planning policy should protect Green belt open land plus there was a Covenant installed by Merton in 1993. This said the land should only be used for leisure or recreational purposes or as an open space and that future owners should be restricted from developing the site.


Christopher said that the AELTC claims benefits include a permissive park and walkway around the lake. Permissive means that landowner can close access at any time. Christopher said he was aware of some discussion around a section 106.


A resident said Sally Bolton, CEO of AELTC, would be opening Christmas lights next week in Southfields. A resident asked what access will be like once golf ceases on 1 January, and Christopher said he did not know.


A resident asked what Merton Council’s position was on enforcing the Covenant. Cllr Stringer said she was unable to comment on covenant as the Council waiting for outcome of the planning process.


A resident asked if the development can be stopped. Christopher explained there was a planning process involving Planning departments at Merton and Wandsworth; the Mayor of London; and the Secretary of State. The Covenant taken from AELTC, and Merton Council is a more complex route but can potentially be enforced in the courts.


A resident asked if there were alternative plans from the community. Christopher said that a lot of alternative suggestions have been made by local community groups calling for plans to be scaled back.


A resident asked about the destruction of trees and Christopher said that 300 mature trees will be removed with 1500 trees added but these will take 100 years to mature to same level.


A resident asked what practical steps can be made to state objections and Christopher said residents could sign a petition, submit objections, and lobby their Councillors. A resident queried why AELTC needed so much land and another felt that Councillors should not accept gifts from AELTC.


A resident asked if there will be a further planning application for Roehampton site. Christopher said that the Bank of England who own the site, put it up for sale a few years ago but it was not bought by AELTC. A resident said they understood the lease on that site has 14 years left to run with a break in 9 years.


A resident asked about the rules on planning policy and Christopher said rules are often set at national level but enforceable by Merton Council planning.

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