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Agenda item

35 Woodland Way, Mitcham, CR4 2DZ

Application No:  22/P0092

Ward:  Graveney

Officer Recommendation:  Grant Permission Subject to Conditions and S106 Agreement


Proposal: Demolition of existing side garage and conservatory and erection of a part single storey, part two storey side extension. Erection of a two-storey rear extension, conversion of roofspace and erection of a rear roof extension. Modified block will be sub-divided to create 1 x 3-bedroom, 1 x 2 bedroom and 2 x 1 bedroom selfcontained flats.


The Development Control Team Leader (South) presented the report


The Committee received presentations from one objector who made points including:


·         There were concerns about the impact on services in the area

·         There were concerns regarding the impact on parking noting that after 6.30pm and during weekends parking was difficult in the street and this would be increased with additional properties

·         The conversion to flats would minimise family development

·         The shape and size of the building would be out of context with the other buildings in the area

·         The proposal did not fit with the requirement in DMD2 in regards to the impact on neighbouring properties

·         There were concerns about overlooking from the balcony onto other properties and gardens

·         There would be loss of light resulting from the proposal

·         There were concerns about noise vibration and dust from the development

·         The London Plan Housing SPG – the site had a PTAL rating of 2 and the density of the property would be 74 units which would lead to greater impact to the area

The Applicant spoke in response and raised points including:


·         There was great demand for properties within this area

·         There were a number of flats being developed within this road

·         Feedback at the pre-application stage had been supportive subject to a number of conditions and a downscaled version had been submitted following consultation with officers to ensure it was policy compliant

In response to the comments received, the Development Control Team Leader (South) clarified points including:


·         In regards to parking and permit free – if a permit free development was imposed on the flats this would discourage car parking and this would also promote sustainable transport

·         In relation to family accommodation there would be 2x3 bedroom flats which are defined as family accommodation

·         This is a modest scale development so there is no suggestion that there would be a large impact on local services

·         The policy CS14 does restrict a number of house conversions

In response to questions from Committee members, the Development Control Team Leader (South) advised that:


·         In terms of bin storage, the proposal was to have storage in the back gardens of each of the flats and the level of this would be controlled as part of the condition following consultation with the Councils’ waste officers. It was desirable to hide the bin storage as much as possible, noting there was scope to provide larger bins on site.

·         In terms of the power plant, as part of the condition the climate change officer would be consulted

·         The majority of the extension would be on the side a distance from neighbouring properties, whilst there might be some loss of light this would not in officers’ view warrant refusal of the application

·         The hip to gable would be the subject of a separate application

·         If members felt it necessary, an additional condition could be added for further measures to be approved in relation to noise

·         There is a degree of overlooking currently from existing windows and officers feel the proposal would not add to additional overlooking

·         The feasibility of electric charging points could be assessed

·         A condition is attached to the application in terms of air quality

·         The rear gardens are a large size for flats in relation to London Plan space standards

·         Potential increase of damp would be covered under building control

Committee members commented on the application encouraging the applicant to consider the aesthetic of the front of the property, noting there were some good conditions attached and requesting whether a bicycle hanger could be included.


The Interim Head of Development Control responded that a general boundary treatment condition could be included to enhance the appearance of the site.

The officer recommendation with the additional conditions of general boundary treatment, inclusion of an air source heat pump, soundproofing and the larger 240litre wheeled bin to be provided to the properties as well as screening for the bins and the inclusion of one car charging point was put to the vote and it was


RESOLVED: That Permission was GRANTED subject to conditions and s.106 legal agreement


The Chair did not participate in the vote on this application.


The meeting was briefly adjourned at 21.09 and resumed at 21.23


Supporting documents: