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Agenda item

Open Forum

If you would like to raise an item not elsewhere on the agenda please email in advance of the meeting.


A resident raised the issue of litter and maintenance in Dundonald Rec. The parks team have provided the following response:

Dundonald continues to be a popular park, due not only to it location but the facilities on offer too. We recognise that sometimes of the year are busier than others and where we experience this seasonal trend, we ask our service delivery partners idverde to respond accordingly. Within the contract there are no limitation on the number of times that a bin needs to be emptied, it is done as and when required. If there is a particular issue, we look to increase the frequency accordingly. There was a spike when the mobile café was in the park but since its demise, we have not had any report of significant littering issues. If any issues are noted they can be reported online. The playground remains popular as always and as such is subject to wear and tear. The playground is inspected on a weekly basis by idverde and where issues are noted these are actioned accordingly. Where spare or replacement parts are required there can be a long lead in time due to Brexit and the parts coming from Europe, but these units are left in such a way as that they are safe. We aren’t aware of any other live issues in the park. There have been recent works as part of CIL Ward Allocation Scheme funding, and this has meant we have been able to paint a large section of the boundary railings. We continue to work with the local friend’s group on various matters and we’re currently in the process of drawing up a planting scheme with them.


Cllr Fairclough said the Friends group has been given equipment for litter picks and has been working with contractor. Green Flag assessment highlighted issue of bin so is being negotiated with Merton Council.


A resident asked about dockless Lime bikes being left and blocking pavements. Cllr Fairclough said there had been a meeting with Lime as the Council did not have an agreement with the company before the bikes came to the borough. A resident said people can sign up to be paid to move the bikes.


A resident asked about enforcement of 20 Mile Per Hour speed limits. Cllr Fairclough has spoken with Merton Council about the need for traffic calming. Killed and Serious Injury stats increase priority of the road. The Metropolitan Police enforce speed limits rather than the Council. A resident said anyone can contact the SNT to arrange for Speedwatch event where residents work with the police to monitor speeds. 


A resident from the Battles area asked about restriction on dogs off lead in parks being proposed by Friends of Hayden’s Road Recreation. A resident said there was a need for more bins that were regularly emptied, and another said that signage needed if there are restrictions. Kris Witherington said that under the Public Space Protection Order for dogs in parks that Council officers could direct owners to put their dogs on a lead if they are a nuisance.


A resident said there has been a deuteriation in the quality of experience at Centre Court Shopping Centre and it does not have an offer for young people. Cllr Kohler said that the new owners, Romulus, have been flexible so far and want it to be a success. Craig Hurring said there would be new announcements for a wider range of retail offers and most new developments would be in place by next year. It was agreed to invite Centre Court to next Forum to provide an update on their plans.


A resident asked about the planning proposal at St Georges House. Cllr Hicks said the Section 106 agreement has not yet been made, so the plans have not yet been referred to Mayor of London.


A resident asked about tree pits where tarmacking has taken place up to the trunk. Cllr Fairclough said Highways were doing it to avoid trip hazards, but street trees team said the trees need some space.