Councillor Billy Christie, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services
Cllr Billy Christie, Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Services, on behalf of Leader Cllr Ross Garrod. Cllr Christie said that following the elections in May this was a new administration with new leader and many new councillors. The administration’s top objective is rebuilding pride in Merton so that everyone has a stake in making Merton through investing in people, places and services .
The administration has three main priorities:
Residents want to see improvements in street cleaning, as a result the Council has agreed an Improvement Action Plan with Veolia including a night-time response team. Ten additional enforcement officers have been recruited to prevent littering and fine those that do. There is also a new emergency response vehicle to respond to fly-tipping. The Action plan is being regularly reviewed and monitored. Merton has also partnered with Fix My Street, a free App to make it easier for residents to report fly tipping and other problems. Cabinet will be deciding whether to extend the Veolia contract or not when it next meets and if the contract is not extended Merton will be looking how to improve services.
The Merton Local App has been introduced to support local businesses and this has already been downloaded more than 4000 times. Other achievements include:
A resident asked what the definition of Affordable housing is, Cllr Christie explained that there is a national definition of 80% of market rent but the plan in Merton is to build social rent which is much lower.
A resident asked about naming and shaming fly-tippers, whilst another said we also need to look at causes of this crime. Cllr Christie said we need to do more to tackle fly-tipping and have launched our Wall of Shame featuring CCTV footage to help identify individuals. There is a difference between commercial fly-tippers and individuals, but we will prosecute wherever we can.
A resident asked about using waste food and it was pointed out that the Community Fridge did this.