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Agenda item

Circle Housing Merton Priory: Regeneration Project


The report and its recommendations were moved by Councillor Stephen Alambritis and seconded by Councillor Peter McCabe.


The Conservative amendment, as set out in item 19c was moved by Councillor Janice Howard and seconded by Councillor David Williams


The amendment was then put to the vote and was unanimously supported.


The substantive resolution was agreed.




That the Council:


1.          were updated on due diligence undertaken over the past six months by the London Borough of Merton (LBM) and Circle Housing Merton Priory (CHMP) officers working together.


2.          notes the significant opportunity this project represents to improve housing conditions for tenants, leaseholders and freeholders and the potential contribution to addressing wider housing provision pressures in Merton and London.


3.          further notes however the concerns expressed by various tenants, leaseholders and freeholders  about different aspects of the project, including the proposed increase in housing density on the estates, and therefore resolves to listen and take account of residents’ clear preference for quality homes that people want to live in with private gardens and to learn from the mistakes of the past by ensuring that any redevelopment of Merton’s estates contains a good social mix of housing tenure, which is sustainable for the future.


4.          agrees to proceed with exploration of estate regeneration schemes for Eastfields, High Path and Ravensbury via:


(a)  preparation, in partnership with Circle Housing Merton Priory of a statutory Estate Regeneration Local Plan Document setting out the strategic planning framework to guide any estate regeneration proposals;


(b)  consideration of the Council’s statutory powers where appropriate, to help deliver the proposed Estates Regeneration Local Plan.


5.          adopts the revisions to Merton’s Local Development Scheme as the project plan and timetable to prepare the proposed Estates Regeneration Local Plan, subject to the Mayor of London’s approval.


6.          suspends the obligation in the Stock Transfer Agreement dated 22 March 2010 (“Transfer Agreement”) on the part of CHMP to carry out the Qualifying Works (as defined in the Transfer Agreement) at High Path (South Wimbledon), Eastfields (Mitcham) and Ravensbury (Morden) to comply with the Decent Homes Standard for a period of up to 18 months subject to there being no legal objection or obstacle, to enable CHMP to explore the viability of estate regeneration schemes for the above estates, an agreed programme to regenerate the subject properties and the planning position being concluded including the formulation of an Estates Regeneration Local Plan. The period of suspension will commence from the date of 9th July 2014 and will also have regard to the date upon which the Deed of Variation is completed.


7.          undertakes to full and comprehensive consultation throughout the process with existing tenants, leaseholders and freeholders as well as any other affected parties, and that the Director of Environment and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environmental Sustainability and Regeneration be authorised to approve consultation documents prior to public consultation, publish the Local Development Scheme (subject to its approval by the Mayor of London and other consequential matters in accordance with the appropriate Regulations).


8.          recommends, in view of the serious concerns that have been expressed by a number of residents and councillors about lack of oversight of this important project and uncertainty about its financial implications as well as about standards of responsiveness and quality of repairs undertaken by CHMP, that:


(a)    the whole CHMP Regeneration Project comes before the Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel for review on a regular basis; and


(b)    CHMP is required to provide to each meeting of the Sustainable Communities Panel written reports containing resident satisfaction rates with the quality and speed of repairs; the number of outstanding repairs; and the percentage of homes now falling below the Merton Standard.  


Supporting documents: