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Agenda item

London Assembly Update

Leonie Cooper, Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth


Leonie Cooper, Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth gave an update on activities at the London Assembly.


As restrictions come to an end pan-London bodies are still keeping a watching brief on COVID-19 across boroughs, especially hospital numbers.


The Assembly has passed a motion to ask the Government to improve the route for refugees from Ukraine. Leonie has been impressed by the number volunteers who have come forward to host families.


The Mayor of London’s budget has been agreed including an increase in the Mayor’s precept of 8% or around 60p per week for a Band D council tax house. The budget includes a £90m climate emergency fund to unlock investment into decarbonisation schemes; £23m to the violence reduction unit; £14m to provide opportunities to young people; £5m to buy back right to buy properties; £7.5m to advice service.


Transport for London has had a series of very short-term funding agreements with Government due to the drop in fares income caused by the pandemic. Passenger numbers still at only 60% of pre-lockdown levels. A long-term agreement is critical for TfL and the nationwide supply chains.


The Assembly Plenary session in March looked at the cost-of-living crisis, London living wage, fuel poverty, and London’s economic recovery. Central London recovery slower than elsewhere in the country as creative, cultural and tourism has been hit harder than many industries.


March 2021 saw the murder of Sarah Everard and the poor handling of the vigil that followed. There are clear issues of race, gender and homophobic discrimination within the Met. Unfortunate that Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick resigned in the way she did as she was popular with officers but clearly more action was needed to help rebuild trust.


Leonie has received a lot of representations about both the AELTC planning application and the St George’s East Building. Assembly Members do not have a direct role in the decision but will be meeting with Deputy Mayor to express the concerns of constituents which have been raised.


A resident asked about stopping the congestion charge at weekend. Leonie said that changing congestion charges is part of the agreement and negotiations between TfL and the Department for Transport as is the expansion of ULEZ.


A resident asked about the 8% increase in Mayor precept. Leonie said that grants from central government were underfunding London services, including around £200m for Met Police taking on national tasks.


A resident asked about the spending of £2b on the new Silvertown Tunnel which four of the local councils disagree with. Leonie said that the funding is coming from a private company who will recoup the funding from tolls. The tunnel has been agreed due to the comparatively small number of crossings in the east of London. The improved connectivity will reduce congestion and improve air quality, according to TfL modelling, and open up routes for electric buses. Similar approaches have worked elsewhere. Mayor has to look at issue for the benefits for the whole of London, as well as the impact on the four councils.


Cllr Holden asked when Deputy Mayor might make a decision on St Georges House East and Leonie said she did not know yet but will update if she hears anything.


A resident asked if Leonie regretted not supporting campaign against siting Harris School in South Wimbledon due to pollution in the area. Leonie said she has pushed the Mayor hard on the issue of air quality to increase measures to gradually shift away from polluting cars. A new enlarged ULEZ has a much higher compliance rate, so it is right to extend this to the whole of London. Leonie will continue to campaign for improvements in air quality. It is not about individual locations, we need to tackle pollution everywhere, as WHO have said there is no safe level of pollution. Leonie will also be pushing the Mayor to phase out diesel busses and replace them with electric ones.


Cllr Benbow asked why there are still no safety measures in place surrounding Harris School at High Path?  Cllr Benbow said that two young schoolboys were involved in a nearby crash a few weeks ago, both had minor injuries. Leonie said this would need to be raised with Merton Council.


Residents can contact Leonie by email.