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Agenda item

Performance monitoring


The Director of Environment and Regeneration gave an overview of the report, highlighting that;

The blue badge inspection target was hindered by Covid. This is now back on track and it is expected to achieve target by end of March.


The leisure centres target is red, there has been some significant improvement in leisure centre users and it is expected it to continue to improve as we move out of Covid restrictions.

CRP 124 – reduction in % street reports rectified in time: There has been an overall deterioration in street cleaning which is being addressed with Veolia.


The Assistant Director of Public Space Contract and Commissioning, said the council has issued a service improvement notice to Veolia who will respond with an action plan and a timetable for completion of works.


The Cabinet Member for Local Environment and Green Spaces said it was clear the service has deteriorated. Veolia now have the opportunity to address this in a formal manner, which is the right thing for the council to do. Council has invested in street cleaning and we look forward to hearing Veolia’s action plan in addressing our concerns

In response to questions, the Cabinet member reported that Veolia now have 10 working days to respond with an action plan and an agreed timetable. We will be keeping a close on proposals and holding them to account


A Panel member said that given there has been a big drop in people’s perceptions on street cleansing had the contractual variation of £1 million investment to ensure Veolia to meet standards been beneficial

The Director of Environment and Regeneration said the investment was seen as necessary to sustain performance, next 12 months is critical to determine whether to renew contract or re- commission the service.


The Cabinet Member for Local Environment and Green Spaces said the investment meant Merton enjoyed a better service than neighbouring boroughs during pandemic.


The Assistant Director of Public Space Contract and Commissioning added there had been an improvement in street cleaning reported in the resident survey


A panel member said there had been challenges with bin collection near blocks of flats and the fix my streets app


The Assistant Director of Public Space Contract and Commissioning said the waste manager is discussing these issues with Veolia. There had been issues over the Christmas period because of driver shortage due to Covid. There are plans to improve the fix my street app functionality as there is an ease of accessibility on reporting issues.


Chair said he had been in discussion with the Cabinet Member about additions to the Fix my Street App. 


In response to a question on outdoor events in parks the Assistant Director of Public Space Contract and Commissioning there need to be a better definition of this indicator as it includes a wide range of events.


In regards to a question on  collection of recycling in communal blocks and change in the target,  The Assistant Director of Public Space Contract and Commissioning said during the Christmas period there is more waste  and lower recycling performance. There has also been an increase in residual waste due to Covid.



The Assistant Director of Public Space Contract and Commissioning will check with the service provider and circulate a short update to the panel by email


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