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Agenda item

St George House East Wimbledon SW19 4DR


Application Number 21/P3163


Ward: Wimbledon Park


RECOMMENDATION Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions and completion of a S.106 legal agreement.



St George House East Wimbledon SW19 4DR(Agenda Item 8)



The Development Control Leader (North) presented the report.


The Committee received a verbal representation from two objectors who made points including:


·         Concerns were raised on the proposed building height

·         The development would restrict sunlight and reduce amenities for residents

·         Concerns were raised that the station square would be in shadow most of the day

·         The application is for glass reinforced concrete and does not go with the surrounding heritage

·         The Objector felt that the office space proposed in the development is in excess of workforce levels, with more staff working from home

·         The proposal was not made known to residents until Friday

·         There are questions of its’ sustainability

·         DRP stated that the building would restrict daylight most of the day all year round

·         The development creates a dull, dark and cold look to the open spaces

·         Wimbledon already had adequate office space without the need for this application, considering current hybrid ways of working.


The Applicant spoke in response and made points including:


·         The building as it currently stands does not support grade A office space and cannot be adapted

·         The building would provide fabric first and eco-friendly, energy efficiency by the year 2030

·         The development would provide landscape features for wildlife to forage nest and roost

·         A new pedestrian link would be provided through to St Georges Road

·         The development would enable well over one thousand jobs, with the current construction providing ongoing jobs

·         Following the feedback from DRP, the Applicant had amended the design including lowering the height and providing sustainability in line with SDP

·         The development will boost the local economy

·         The scheme allows for safety to travel to work, with 340 cycle spaces that would be provided

·         The Applicant informed members that the design team had described that the building was ‘well designed and impressive’

·         The Planning department and GLA supported the scheme in line with SDP

·         70 letters from local residents and businesses had been received by the Applicant in support for the scheme, including Love Wimbledon

·         The application had satisfied daylight testing

·         There is an increase in demand for office space

·         The scheme would grow the office sector of Wimbledon


Ward Councillor, Councillor Daniel Holden, gave a statement opposing the application on behalf of the residents, residents’ associations and civic societies. Councillor Holden raised concerns on height restrictions and stated that the proposal was out of character to the Wimbledon rhythm. The building would be larger than any other building in Wimbledon. There were public amenities problems. The building would cast a shadow in the square giving an overbearing feel. Councillor Holden stated that the window design was out of keeping with the character of Wimbledon. Councillor Holden asked the Committee to consider rejecting the proposal under DMD1 and the issue of height, excessive bulk and rhythm.


The Planning Officer responded to Councillors points:


·         The building will be on the northern side of St Georges Road, which is the largest site of office development

  • Although the height goes beyond what is considered in the Future Wimbledon SPD, the overall design and height can be supported.

·         The development is set back and this will mitigate the overbearing aspect on the road and forecourt

·         The public will benefit by the widening of the pavement



In response to Member questions, The Planning Officer advised:


·         The SDP had been drafted for a while; consideration was not given for the return to office space by work force.

·         The winds microclimate studies showed there would be more slight winds on the southwest side of the building. The frontage would provide comfortable levels of cover for pedestrians and people sitting outside on the pavements

·         The Planning Officer advised that the development has a ground floor that will protect public realm

·         Cross rail had not raised objections to the application

·         The Development was within the London urban green specification

·         The building has an indicative height of 54 metres including plants in the parapet

·         The Planning Officer said that that the urban greening had been passed by the GLA during stage one and biodegradable.  Trees will be planted via the biodiversity on St Georges Road.  Two will be removed on Wimbledon Road.

·         The application will go back to the GLA for approval

·         The Applicant had submitted a sunlight daylight report

·         The number of glass windows has been reduced in line with DRP guidelines






Members commented on the application.

Concerns were raised on the bulk and size and the fact that the Design Review Panel had rated the application amber twice. The SDP needs to be respected. Additional concerns were raised on height.


The Chair moved to vote and it was




That the Committee grant planning permission subject to any direction from the Mayor of London, completion of a S106 Agreement and Conditions

Supporting documents: