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Agenda item

2A Amity Grove, Raynes Park, SW20 0LJ

Application no. 20/P3866

Ward: Raynes Park

Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission subject to conditions and s.106 legal agreement


RESOLVED that the application number 20/P3866 be GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions and s.106 legal agreement.


Proposal: Demolition of existing building and erection of 5 storey (plus basement level) residential building comprising 14 self-contained flats and a two storey residential building at rear comprising 3 self-contained flats, with associated landscaping, refuse and cycle stores, on-street blue badge parking and a rooftop plant.


The Committee noted the report and the plans presented by the Case Officer. The Committee also noted the modifications sheet contained in the supplementary agenda.


Two objectors had registered to speak in relation to the proposed scheme, and at the request of the Chair, had raised a number of points, including:


·         the prominent front of the building would be clearly visible;

·         the proposed scheme was very close to the street and there would be little privacy;

·         loss of privacy due to overlooking and the proposed scheme would cause loss of sunlight;

·         concerns regarding the smell from wheelie bins and the restaurant kitchen;

·         the occupants would suffer loss of lighting, design, noise and visual intrusion;

·         the scheme did not contribute to affordable housing.


The applicant’s agent had registered to speak, and at the request of the Chair, addressed the Committee with the following points:


·         the proposed scheme was for 17 flats. The development would not be complementary to the locally listed buildings adjacent and would not contribute financially to the borrower through any section monistic contribution;

·         the design had been developed to minimise impacts neighbours, through appropriately positioned opaque screening, the massing had also been set back on the top floor, and proposed in a different material to reduce visual impact on the street;

·         the design of the scheme was entirely supported by the offices;

·         with regards to viability it was unfortunate that both the Summit Report and the Council Independently Assess Report showed no contribution towards affordable housing. The viability position would be subject to both in early and late stages to ensure there were no missed opportunities, deliver affordable housing, either on the site, or through offset contributions;

·         the proposed development had achieved the balance between optimising the site, whilst ensuring the impact neighbours were minimised.


In response to Members questions and comments, the Case Officer stated:


·         In terms of the planning history, there was a prior approval permission, which would allow for 11 residential units.

·         The site also had permission for an additional three units to the roof comprising an additional floor;

·         There was no requirement in the prior approval type of applications for any provision of Affordable Housing;

·         There was an on-site disabled parking space provided and those residents that required disabled parking space would be able to apply for a parking permit;

·         The Waste Services Department had requested to be space on the site for the turning of a large refuse vehicle, which would not been feasible for the development. However, now that the proposal does not involve reducing the space on the highway, it would be possible to service the development from the roadside;

·         If members were minded, a condition could be imposed for access control doors to be sought, subject to a secure by design certificate;

·         Members raised concerns in relation to impact on the property, in terms of, loss of sunlight;

·         The height of the proposed development was 16.1 metres.


The Chair moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation and it was


RESOLVED that the application number 20/P3866 be GRANTED Planning Permission subject to conditions and s.106 legal agreement.


Supporting documents: