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Agenda item

Verbal Presentation - Policy Developments (converting commercial properties to meet residential housing need)


Please refer to the presentation tabled at the meeting which is available on the council’s website.

James McGinlay presented on the policy developments in the area of housing, in particular provisions now available to apply to convert business and commercial properties into residential units.

The presentation covered:

·                     Government incentives to increase home ownership and reduce bureaucracy;

·                     National Planning Policy Framework 2012 aims to significantly boost the supply of housing via development plans on viable sites meeting an “objectively assessed housing need”.

·                     Absence of need for planning permission as a result of this framework which is problematic in that no design standards, space standards, or support for necessary local infrastructure etc, have to be captured in an application

·                     The scheme to convert commercial into residential was introduced in May 2013 with the stipulation tat homes must be built by May 2016

·                     Applications must receive ‘prior approval’

·                     DCLG refused Merton’s request for exempting Wimbledon town centre and the main industrial estates to seek planning permission if they want to convert to residential with effect from April 2015

·                     This scheme is being monitored with the Mayor of London to determine the impact o London’s economy. Officers are examining where this might affect Merton


Councillor Andrew Judge stated that Cabinet oppose this scheme due to its negative impact on businesses in the borough, including those that want their premises to grow. Both employment and business activity will be lost through this and some businesses have already been told by landlords that their lease will not continue. Article 4 will allow the council to push for a change in policy in this area.


Councillor David Dean stated that he did not support the policy and asked if t would end in 2016. James McGinlay confirmed that this was a probationary period and it wasn’t clear as yet if this would be extended beyond 2016.

Councillor Ian Munn stated that he was appalled by the prior application regulations and was pleased that officers were trying to resist this scheme. Councillor Ian Munn added that it was disappointing that the council had to wait until 2015 before it was able to issue Article 4.


Councillor David Dean added that we need to avoid building on land that will generate employment opportunities.

Councillor Samantha George asked if officers had been able to determine why Merton is among the highest number of applicants in London. Given that 17 of the 36 applications made were refused by the council, Merton does have some power in this situation.


James McGinlay confirmed that this 3 year period of the scheme introduced a number of measures and it is too early to evaluate these yet. Merton has a good offer which is perhaps why we have had a significant volume of applications. However, the majority of the 36 applications have been refused o the grounds that there was poor conditions on site or due to the impact on infrastructure and transport. However, developers have gone away to address these issues and have made a further application.

Councillor Ian Munn asked a question about Brook House and James McGinlay committed to providing a response outside the meeting via email.


Councillor Janice Howard highlighted that the offices near Home base in Wimbledon Park were vacant for some time and had attracted vandalism. They have now been transformed into housing and this has had a positive effect.


James McGinlay said that the council didn’t seek blanket exemption given that some vacant buildings could be used for housing and be of benefit to the area.


RESOLVED: Panel noted the report.


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