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Agenda item

1 Hartfield Road, Wimbledon, SW19 3RU

Application No: 20/P2567      

Ward: Dundonald

Recommendation: GRANT Planning Permission Subject to completion of a S106 Agreement and conditions







RESOLVED that the application number 20/P2567 be GRANTED planning permission subject to completion of s106 Agreement and conditions.


Proposal: Alterations and extensions to existing building to provide an additional 3 storeys of office accommodation (net increase of 3513sqm of Gross Internal Floor space (GIA)), plus plant enclosure at roof level and associated landscaping and public realm improvements.


The Committee noted the report and the plans presented by the Development Control Team Leader (North).


The Committee noted that there were no objectors registered to speak. The Committee also noted that applicant was not present at the meeting.


Councillor Paul Kohler (Ward Member for Trinity) had registered to speak and on behalf of his ward addressed the Committee the concerns raised by residents.  He stated that the proposed development was out of scale, in terms of, the height of the building, out of character to the area conservation and the development would cause further issues in terms of traffic.  He further explained that the proposed scheme would cause disruption for the residents and that the development did not meet the Council’s Core Strategy.


During the debate members’ raised and number of questions and comments. The Development Control Team Leader (North) addressed the following points including:


·         That following consultation on the Future Wimbledon SPD, the building heights guideline across the town centre had been reduced and the subject site was shown as accommodating eight to ten storeys,

·         Highways had not raised any concerns regarding the bus stop outside Wimbledon House and that Planning Officers’ had no correspondents from Transport for London (TFL), in terms of, specifically moving the bus stop,

·         It was clarified that there were 18 objections received with regards to the proposed scheme, however, there were 35 letters supporting the proposals,

·         There was no guidance given from Government to resist office development due to the Covid-19,

·         Highways Officers’ and Transport Planner had no objections with regards to the proposal, subject to conditions, which included a Construction Management Plan,

·         The proposed scheme would create jobs and potentially increase the number of employees working at the site,

·         The scheme was not anticipated to improve the appearance of the building, it was to provide extensions to existing building for an additional three storeys of office accommodation.


Whilst the Committee was in support of the proposed application and recognised it would create more jobs in the area, a member expressed their concerns and stated that the proposed building was unattractive and did meet the criteria of Merton DMD.


The Chair moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation and it was


RESOLVED that the application number 20/P2567 be GRANTED planning permission subject to completion of s106 Agreement and conditions.


Supporting documents: