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Agenda item

Wimbledon College of Art, 40 Merton Hall Road, SW19 3QA

Application: 20/P1952                        

Ward: Dundonald       

Recommendation: Grant permission subject to conditions and S106 Agreement.



RESOLVED that the application number 20/P1952 be GRANTED planning permission subject to conditions.



Proposal: New forecourt landscaping, façade and roof alterations of the theatre annex building, installation of the new windows and cycle parking facilities of the main college building, alteration to campus services equipment.


The Committee noted the report and plans presented by the Planning Officer. The Committee also noted the modifications contained in the supplementary agenda.  The Planning Officer provided updates on various matters relating to the amendments.


Two residents had registered to speak in objection, and at the invitation of the Chair, raised a number of points including the following:


·         Whilst supporting the Art College and their reputation for design excellence and creativity, the character should be preserved to enhance the listed buildings;

·         The proposed application would potentially damage the character of the conservation area;

·         The dark grey/black paint to the terracotta brick of the main building was intrusive and was out of character with the natural red bricks in London. It was requested that conditions to be imposed to ensure that the red bricks were retained to keep up with the character;

·         All local houses had white frame windows and the proposed black frames would be out of character for the area; therefore, any new windows should retain the existing style and white frames;

·         The replacement of the roofing tiles with a steel roof was not in keeping with the conservation.  It was requested to use PV solar panels or traditional tiling.

·         The objectors did not opposed to the development it was offering to students, however, there were concerns around the damaging impact to the areas, including road safety and congestion and there was no provision parking for the general public.


The applicant’s agents had registered to speak, and at the invitation of the Chair, responded to the points raised by the objectors and addressed the Committee with the following points:


·         The proposed planning application formed part of UBS multimillion pound investment to create a unique integrated performance centre;

·         The existing theatre and actress building was outdated and needed modernisation.

·         The current building was not fit for purpose;

·         The new forecourt would be open to the community, enhance the streetscape and improve the ecology and biodiversity of the site;

·         The proposed forecourt improvements would complement the character and appearance of the area;

·         The developers continued to consult with neighbours to address any concerns;

·         Security would be managed to the forecourt area to alleviate the concerns raised with regards to the removal of the fencing and necessary actions would be taken to secure the development against anti-social behaviour;

·         The proposed campus would only be used for studying and teaching and no student accommodations would be located on the site;

·         The proposal was a free car development, therefore, this would not increase traffic level; and would be improving the cycle facilities;

·         The proposed would improve immunity for everyone.


Councillor Anthony Fairclough (Ward Member for Dundonald) had registered to speak on behalf of his ward.  He advised the Committee the concerns raised by residents in relation to parking and delivery vehicles parked on the streets, including on weekends. He further raised concerns that the proposed development was out of character to the conservation area, in particular, the paintwork and the replacement of the windows.


In response to Members’ questions, the Planning Officer informed the Committee that, in term of the colour to the paintwork of the bricks to the properties, the applicant did not require planning permission.


In response to Members’ questions, the Transport Planning Project Officer clarified that delivery vehicles were permitted to park on single and double yellow lines for loading and unloading provided it was not causing an obstruction.  All deliveries would take place near the entrance to the college, therefore, the car parking bays would not be used by the delivery vehicles.


The Planning Officer informed the Committee, in terms of, the replacement of the windows, it was proposed that the windows would be replaced with double glazed which would improve the thermal performance to the studio and allow more light.  Furthermore, he advised the Committee that the proposed colour and materials would not cause any harm to the conservation area.


Members’ concluded by thanking Professor David Crow and the Vice Chancellor of the Wimbledon College of Arts for this investment and believe that the students in London would fully benefit from this project.


The Chair moved to the vote on the officers’ recommendation and it was


RESOLVED that the application number 20/P1952 be GRANTED planning permission subject to s106 agreement and conditions.


(Councillor Dean declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to this application as he had been in communication with residents. He took part in the debate but abstained from voting)

Supporting documents: