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Agenda item

Free School Meals - Progress Report


Paul Ballatt introduced the report. Councillor Peter Walker expressed his concerns regarding the loss of funding for schools due to low take up of Free School Meals (FSM). Paul Ballatt confirmed that the registered rate for FSM in Merton Schools is lagging behind in terms of the numbers registered compared to  outer London and  national trends. The gap between entitlement and registration in Merton is 23% (equates to approx. 1200 students) and in outer London it is 15%. This is both a loss to the child because they are entitled to a free school meal and also to the schools’ budgets in terms of loss of pupil premium income.


Paul Ballatt explained that there is a project group set up to look at the reasons for low take up and to encourage parents to sign up for FSM.  A number of activities have been undertaken to increase take up with schools and parents, and also on application procedures. There have also been discussions with other local authorities to see what they do and how Merton could utilise any best practice. It was acknowledged that there needs to be a more targeted approach to increase registrations.


Paul Ballatt explained that there are issues with accessing data on parents on income support etc. which would enable this more targeted approach. However, the department are talking to housing needs and asking libraries to offer advice and raise awareness, There will also be specialist communications in this area as corporate communications have identified this as one of their campaigns for the year.


Peter Connellan suggested that health visitors and GPs may also be able to raise awareness and talk to parents about benefits and eligibility for FSM. Yvette Stanley added that Children’s Centres had been working with health workers on this.


Councillor Agatha Akyigyina added that there is a stigma to FSM and this may explain the low take up. Paul Ballatt said that they were working with the school meals contractor to improve the environment to encourage people to take up FSM and that they were looking at patterns in different communities of applying/not applying for FSM.

Councillor Jeff Hanna added that it may be worth making a representation through local MPs to enable councils to have more of a role in applying on behalf of those who are entitled.


Councillor Iain Dysart suggested that posters and leaflets be displayed at community centres and at community forum meetings.


Councillor Jeff Hanna asked how we can get past data protection issues to support identification of eligible families. He suggested contact with parents and stepping up a communications campaign to sell the benefits of FSM to them. Paul Ballatt noted that, in addition to the targeted approach to increasing FSM registration and take up, government had recently announced universal FSMs to pupils in reception class and years one and two. Some capital has been allocated to Merton to support this new policy but further guidance is still outstanding.


Councillor Jeff Hanna proposed that this be a potential topic for the workshop that would be arranged to plan the Panels 2014/15 work programme.


RESOLVED: Panel noted the report.



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