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Agenda item

8 Preshaw Crescent, Mitcham, CR4 3GA

Application number: 19/P4118


Ward: Cricket Green 


Recommendation: the application is subject to appeal for non-determination. Officers recommend to inform the Planning Inspectorate that the Council would have granted planning permission subject to conditions.


RESOLVED that officers inform the Planning Inspectorate that the Council would have GRANTED application number 19/P4118 subject to conditions.


Proposal: Erection of 2 x residential blocks of two and three stories, comprising 9 x self-contained flats, with new access road from Russell Road, plus car parking provision and associated landscaping.


The Committee noted the report and presentation of the Planning officer, and the modifications contained in the supplementary agenda.


Two parties had registered to speak in objection to the proposal, and raised a number of points including the following:

·         The proposal would result in loss of open space and local amenities as it intensifies development in an already congested area

·         There was not enough justification for the development in a conservation area

·         Mature trees were illegally removed from the site in 2015 and this has not since been appropriately addressed

·         There were health and safety concerns regarding the gas pipe installation at the entrance of the proposal site, and risk of damage to the sewer on Russel Road.

·         The developer had deflected responsibility of sewage in gardens to utility companies

·         Noting emergency service vehicles’ difficulty accessing the road, the design and access statement had failed to address the narrow width of the road.


At the invitation of the Chair, the applicant addressed the Committee and raised the following points:

·         This scheme was revised from the 2019 refused application; a number of issues were being resolved just before the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown was put in place, and as such, an appeal was submitted in order to progress the application to satisfy contractual obligations.

·         It was regrettable that the trees were removed, and it is the applicant’s intention to address that with tree planting, though they were yet to receive landscaping comments.

·         There were no objections from Highways regarding access though waste disposal issues have been addressed in the officer’s report.


In response to a query from the Committee, the transport officer confirmed that the CPZ was not on Russel Road.


In response to another query from the Committee, the planning officer confirmed that the individual units met the standards for amenity space.


Officers also noted that conditions could be attached to allay any fire safety concerns.


Having considered the application, the Committee:


RESOLVED that officers inform the Planning Inspectorate that the Council would have GRANTED application number 19/P4118 subject to conditions.

Supporting documents: